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We woke up in the couch. Lacey and Gena were dragging me up by my arms. I groaned until I was sitting up and they let go of my arms. I got dressed up stairs and met them back down stairs.

We then went dress shopping. Lacey and Gena had already found there bridesmaids dresses. I groaned as I stepped out of the dressing room. "You've tried on 7 different dresses already, do any of these feel like the one?" Gena asked.

"I don't know. I've never had a wedding dress before and I've never been wedding dress shopping before." I told them truthfully as I folded my arms over my chest between the poofy sleeves.

"Well, apparently when people try on wedding dresses, they cry when they've found the one." Lacey explained. "Well I'm definitely not crying." I said in a laugh as I unfolded my arms.

They laughed and made me try on another one. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh my god." Gena and Lacey said. I could feel my eyes stung as I turned away from the mirror and looked at them.

"Now you're crying." Lacey smiled. I nodded and wiped my eyes. "This means this is the dress, right?" I questioned them. They both looked at me and nodded.

I looked at the price of it. My eyes going wide. "I can't afford this." I said as I looked at them.

They shook their heads. "Don't worry about it." Lacey told me. "Don't worry about it? How could I not fucking worry about it?!" I said starting to panic.

"Let's just say it's taken care of." Gena said with a sly smile. I sighed. "Alright, but it better not be paid with blood money." I joked. That made the two of them laugh.

We paid for the dress and Lacey said she'd keep it at her and Johnny's house. I was fine with that.

Eventually after we finished dress shopping, we went to get food and then we went back to my house.

"What are the guys supposed to where to this shindig?" I said jokingly. "I was thinking tuxedos." Gena answered.

"I've never seen Matt in a suit." I told them. I'd only known him for a couple of months.

"Then they are definitely wearing tuxedos." Lacey grinned. I nodded. "Then that's it. We're done planning the wedding." I said with a sigh of relief.

They both nodded. "We'll take care of everything. Your part of our family now, I could see that when I first met you." Lacey admitted to me.

I smiled. "I'm glad." We continued talking for a little bit until they said they both had to go and they left. I hugged them and told them I'd see them later.

I smiled. I couldn't wait for this wedding. Last night when we planned it and finding a dress...the wedding was already so much better than when I married Michael.

That's because for once in my life, I actually fell in love with someone who fell in love with me right back.

I remembered that Matt wanted to hang out with me today after Gena and Lacey left so I called him. He answered and he told me he'd be here shortly.

I heard a knock on my door about 15 minutes later. I opened it and it was Matt. I let him inside.

He kissed me and smiled, I returned it. "So how did wedding planning go?" He questioned as we sat on the couch.

"Surprisingly well." I answered him. "Everything's figured out." I told him as I sat next to him as close as I could, putting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I want to ask you something." He said softly. I sat up and looked at him. "You mean that thing you wanted to ask me when we got back from tour." I stated, remembering him saying something along those lines yesterday.

He nodded and brushed a hair behind my ear. "We're already married, we're engaged, and we're having a wedding in May." He started.

I looked at him confused. "You're telling me things I already know, Matt." I told him. He smiled. "There's a point to this, I promise."

I let him continue. "Since we're already married, engaged, and having a wedding, I think it would be really silly of you to live here." He explained.

I wasn't understanding what he was saying. "Meaning?" I questioned. His face got all serious for a minute as he looked at me.

"Delilah...I love you, and I'm glad we got married in Vegas and everything. But it seems silly to have you live here and not with me, so, I'm asking if you'll move in with me." He said.

That surprised me. "Really?" I questioned. "Well yeah. I mean your my wife. Even if we Fucking fight sometimes, I want to be with you all the time." He said.

I smiled. "Your serious about this?" I asked. He nodded. "Very."

I sat there a few minutes, thinking. "Alright." I told him with a smile. "Really?" He smiled back. "Yes."

He then hugged me and then kissed me. He eventually pulled away. "Your just lucky I already had a key made for you." He said as he took a key out of his pocket. I smiled more.

"So when do you want me to move in with you?" I questioned. "As soon as fucking possible." He said with a smile as he moved from where he was sitting on the couch and to me, making me fall back in the couch.

He crawled over me and kissed me. He and I then started taking off each other's clothes.

This was me and Matt. Matt and I. This was my life. Our life. He was my heart. Fuck rockstars and how they win you over. I didn't want to fall for him, but I did. And now we were married, engaged and having a wedding, as bizarre as it fucking sounds.

Part of how we ended up sleeping together on my couch. We loved each other. Plain and simple yet so complicated, but just because it's complicated doesn't mean it's not beautiful.

This was Matt and I. This was Huntington. This was Home. Matt feels like Home.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now