This Is How I Disappear

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I started losing track of the days. I didn't know how long I'd been here and I could feel I was losing myself. I hadn't eaten or drank anything since Anthony took me, and I'm pretty sure that was 3 days ago.

But I didn't know, I couldn't tell. There was dried blood and dirt caked to my face and my wrists in pain from the rope. I was starting to lose hope, immensely.

My throat felt like sand paper and my body felt like I got hit with a ton of bricks. Fuck this. I felt myself starting to fall unconscious again, and instead of me fighting or trying to fight it like I usually do, I welcomed it.

'The only thing you can do when you lose hope, is to let go' I mentally told myself. I then fell unconscious.

(No one's pov)

The guys were already supposed to be in the next city, but they were all still in Seattle. It's been a week. A week since Delilah was taken and went missing.

They all feared for the worse. Matt couldn't bring himself to think like that, but it was hard when they're weren't any answers, when there wasn't a Delilah by his side. The police told him that if she didn't show up soon, they'd declare her dead.

None of them could live with that. They were all in a hotel. They couldn't stay in the bus any longer.

They were all in Matt's room, a few police officers with them. "Anything?" Matt asked. He hadn't shaved in awhile. He was beside himself. He didn't know what to do.

"We're sorry. We've done everything we can." One of the police officers said. Matt scoffed. "So I'm just supposed to accept and deal with the fact the Delilah's just gone?"

They only knew Delilah for a month. But it felt like they all knew her for years. Tears welled up in Matt's eyes and he looked at the officers. "I'm sorry but I can't deal with that, I can't fucking live with that." He said.

As he said that his phone started ringing. "Oh great, what now." He asked irritated, out loud as he took his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the screen and his eyes went wide.

"I-it's Delilah." He said. The police officers eyes all went wide along with the guys. Matt answered it.

Except it wasn't Delilah on the phone.

Matt's expression changed to anger and rage. "Fucking Anthony." He said through clenched teeth.

(End of no one's pov)

I don't know when, but Anthony decided to go through my pockets. My phone. He took it and told me to give him the password. I did, barely. I could barely do anything anymore.

He then asked me who Matt was, I didn't answer him. So, he called him. "Delilah's alive...barely. I wanted her to be mine again, but seems like something's changed. Better come find her before her time runs out." He said.

Then he hung up. I looked at him through blurry eyes. It felt like something broke in me that couldn't be fixed and I felt myself letting go.

'This is it.' I told myself. I felt a few punches connect to my face and then everything went black. 'This is it.'

(No one's pov)

Matt put the phone on speaker and what Anthony said fucked with Matt and the guys. When Anthony hung up Matt quickly looked to the officers. "You can track that call to an address...right? That's a fucking thing, right?" He questioned.

The police nodded and started doing so. They eventually got an address. The police told Matt to stay at the hotel, but he didn't listen, he followed them to the address that Delilah was hopefully at.

The guys followed him. He got to the address and there was an ambulance, and a couple cop cars. Matt tried to get inside of the building but the police officers and the guys held him back.

Four officers were inside the building, making their way to where Anthony and Delilah were. They broke through a door and that's were they saw them.

Delilah was slumped, tied to a chair, covered in blood and dirt. Anthony, was standing in a corner. "I-I don't think she's breathing." He said.

The officer scoffed. "Anthony Santin, your  under arrest for assualt and battery, attempted robbery, kidnapping this poor girl, and...homicide." The officer said as he handcuffed him.

Anthony was dragged out by two police officers. When they exited the building, Anthony looked at Matt and he smiled. Matt tried to get away from the guys to fight him but it was no use.

The police car that had Anthony drove away.

Back inside the building two officers looked at each other than to the girl in the chair sorrowful. "Is she?" The officer asked. "I don't know, but we gotta get her to the ambulance." He said.

They other officer nodded and they started untying Delilah from the chair. As her arms became untied, they fell limply over the arms of the chair. After she was completely untied, the officer picked her up bridal style. He arm dangled lifeless, her neck was limp.

She was dead weight. The officer walked slowly just in case. The other officer walking in front of him to help with doors.

When the first officer opened the door to the outside, the guys let go of Matt.

But when the second police officer, the police officer carrying Delilah's seemingly lifeless body, walked out of the door, The guys, Matt, Gena, and Lacey's eyes all went wide and they felt tears fill them.

"Oh my god." Lacey whispered. Matt stood there shaking his head. They all watched as the officer walked over to the ambulance. This time they let Matt go and they followed him.

They watched as Delilah was put on the gurney. "Is she...alive?" Matt asked the officer, his voice breaking. "I don't know." He said as the Delilah was being loaded into the ambulance.

"Matt, go with her." Brian said. Matt didn't say anything and he got into the ambulance. He sat there just staring at her. 'Please be okay' Matt hoped.

Delilah laid there on the gurney as the sirens blew out onto the streets, either telling people outside that someone was living, or someone was dying. As Delilah laid there, she was in her own little word.

'Afterlife' She had no choice but to welcome it. She had already lost the hope to survive. 'This is how I disappear' she told herself and that was it.

The EMT's looked at each other. "She's crashing! Start chest compressions." The female one yelled to the male. Matt watched in horror as they tried to save the woman he loves.

Delilah was here, but she was no where to be found.

(A/N:...this chapter is dark? I don't know, but I have rlly good plans for the next 5 or so chapters of this story :) happy reading :)

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