All Hail Lacey

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It was still the night before we left for tour. "Anyway, I gotta pack my shit, take a shower, the usual." I told Brian and Matt. "Feel free to also take showers, you guys have been here awhile, and although you wear deodorant, deodorant definitely does not fix all your issues." I told them.

They nodded Syn asked if he could take a shower before me. I nodded and he followed me to my room. I'm not gunna lie, although I didn't have to pay a dime for this house, I only had to worry about the bills, this fucking house was built very strangely.

There were like 3 rooms and one bathroom and the one bathroom just so happens to be in my room. I really do wonder if the people who built it were high when they did, fuck, it's California, they probably were.

I led Brian to the bathroom and got him a towel. "Hopefully, you know how to turn on the shower." I told him as I shut the door, I heard him chuckle. I had to pack so I got out my suitcase and put it on my bed.

"What the fuck does someone bring on tour?" I questioned myself out loud. I need music. I turned some music on in my room. Insane Clown Posse, Down With The Clown started playing. Oh how I loved this song.

I started mouthing the words and soon fell into a packing groove. "Ima be down, Ima be down, down with the clown till I'm dead in the ground." I said out loud to the music as I threw a pair of shorts into my suitcase.

""Ima be down, Ima be down, down with the clown till I'm dead in the ground." I repeated as I turned around. I jumped and screamed. "Fuck off, Brian. You scared the shit out of me." I said.

"Well sorry, you were too busy being down with the clown." He joked as he smirked. I smiled and shook my head, looking at my feet. That's when I noticed he was in a towel. I forgot he was in the shower to be honest.

I looked at the towel and at his torso. He had a good body. When I realized what I was doing I shook my head and frantically looked up at Brian's face. His arms were crossed and that smirk was still on his face.

"I-uh you should go and tell Matt that the shower's free now." I told him. He nodded. "It's okay if you liked what you saw." He said as he walked out of my room. "Fuck off!" I said.

Eventually Matt came into my room. "What did Brian do?" He asked as he stood next to me as I packed. "Be Brian." I said. Matt laughed. "You should know where the towels are, you put them there." I told him as I started packing again.

As Matt was showering, I couldn't help but think about him. I shook my head. 'no Delilah, you warded off relationships' I mentally told myself. I sighed. Southwest Voodoo by Insane Clown Posse started playing.

I was singing along and finishing packing when I sharp ass pain shot through my stomach. I stopped what I was doing immediately and put my hand on my stomach like that was gunna stop it hurting. "Okay, what the fuck?" I said out loud.

"Okay, what the fuck what?" I heard Matt ask from behind me. I slowly turned around. "Stomach ache." I said as I dropped my hand from my stomach back to my side. "Are you okay?" He asked. I decided to change the subject. People constantly asking you if you were okay, gets old fast.

"Please tell me you didn't use all the warm water?" I questioned. "I don't think I did. Then again, if I did, you could of just showered with me." He said smirking. I smacked his arm. "Okay, no...that line was a little too Synyster Gates for my liking and not enough M. Shadows." I glared.

He put his hands up. "Hey, what about you and your one-liners? I'd say they're a mix of both Gates and I." He said. I shook my head and crossed my arms. "My one-liners are just  Delilah. You guys are just easy to flirt with and to make fun of." I told him, I hated that I said that, makes me sound like a real bitch.

"Have fun taking a cold shower." He said as he left. I rolled my eyes. After he left, I closed my bedroom door and walked to the bathroom. As I was getting undressed and turned the shower on, a wave of nausea hit me again.

I know Jimmy was joking the other day...but what if he was right? I swear to Christ. I decided to call Johnny. Thankfully, he answered.

(On the phone)

"Hey Delilah. Are you okay?" He asked. "Are-is Lacey with you?" I questioned. I know she and I weren't close, given the fact we just met today, but I needed a girl to talk to.

He said he was and told me to wait. I heard shuffling and then I heard a women. "Hey Delilah, you okay?" She asked. I shook my head and that's when the water works started. I don't even know why I was crying.

I then explained everything to her, my stomach pains, the nausea, the whole nine yards. "Oh, Honey." She said. I cried harder. "Are you sure?" She asked. I shrugged, forgetting I was on the phone. "I don't know, but...I-we broke up four weeks ago, he- oh my fucking god." I said.

"Take a deep breathe Delilah." She said calmly. I did. "So, when did this happen?" She asked. "Probably the night I left him. I was living with him but still had my apartment so I had my own space when I needed it. He didn't want me to leave so he-oh my god." I cried.

"Do you need me to come over?" She questioned. I sniffled. "No, Brian and Matt will ask what's wrong, and I am tired of people asking if I'm okay. I'll, I'll talk to you on the bus tomorrow." I told her. She agreed and we hung up.

I looked at myself in the mirror and then at my stomach. I'm going to fucking kill Anthony. I took my shower. Thinking about how I got here. I should of left Anthony when he was at work or something, but I couldn't, I was running out of time.

After my shower, I got into the baggiest sweatshirt and sweatpants I had. I went back downstairs. "I'm going to sleep." I told them. They nodded and said good night.

When I got under the covers, I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. Everything was probably my fault anyway. I'm just glad I had Lacey, she seemed trustworthy and she was the only girl friend I had at the moment.

All hail Lacey.

(A/N: I'm gunna be so honest, I don't know where the fuck this story is going, so bare with me, and I also apologize for taking so long to upload another chapter. Mental Health has not been my best friend lately. Happy reading :)

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