Well Maybe I Want It To Be

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(I really...I honestly might have got carried away with some of this chapter...but if your okay with that, then...happy holidays in July I guess lmfao)

I didn't realize how long Matt was hugging me until I stopped crying. "Thanks Matt, I appreciate it." He smiled. "Anytime." I said goodbye to him and walked out of his room, I saw Brian coming this way and he looked at me confused.

"Why were you with Matt? I thought you wanted to be alone today." He said. "I cleared the air." I said as I grabbed his hand and started dragging him back to our room. "What is happening?" he asked as he followed me as I dragged him.

I didn't say anything.  As soon as the door to he and I's room opened, I dropped his hand, turned around and immediately started kissing him. He immediately kissed back.

He somehow managed to turn us around to where his back was facing the rest of the room and my back was facing the wall. He walked over to the wall and pinned me against it.

Now I was stuck between the wall and his body.  "What's all this for?" He asked. I shook my head. "Shut up." I said breathlessly. We then started attacking each other's faces again. I felt his hands grab either sides of the hem of my shirt.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked at me asking if it was okay. I nodded. He pulled my shirt over my head and started kissing me again. He then broke away and took his own shirt off. We then went back to kissing. I couldn't help but reach down and start undoing his belt.

He placed one hand on the wall next to my head and took his other hand and took his belt off. I kissed again and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso as he carried me to the bed.

"What has gotten into you?" Brian asked as he kissed my neck all the way down to my stomach. "Honestly? I have no idea, why, are you complaining?" I questioned. He shook his head.

I felt him unbutton my jeans and then pull them off of me, dropping them somewhere on  the floor. He then took off his own jeans. He the crawled over top of me and leaned over me with his hands on either side of my head.

"Ah, fuck wait a minute." He said as he got up and searched for his jeans. He eventually came back. He asked if he could take my panties off and I nodded. As he did so, I felt his calloused finger tips drag down my hips and my legs.

I looked at him, waiting to see if he was gunna get rid of the rest of his clothes. And he did. Eventually the both of us were devoid of any clothes and I was loving every single fucking moment of it.

I had my eyes closed. Before anything else happened, I heard a wrapper. Thank god. "Delilah." I heard Brian asked. I opened my eyes and found him staring at me. "Yes?" I questioned. "Are you sure?" He asked me.

I sat up and looked at him, crossing my arms. "If I wasn't sure then I wouldn't even be naked right now, Gates." I explained, defiantly. "Okay, okay, I just wanted to make sure." He said. I nodded. Brian then got a smirk on his face and abruptly grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer to him, making me fall back onto my back on the bed.

Last time I was intimate with someone, It didn't go very well, but Brian, with Brian things were fucking great.

I closed my eyes and waited. And thank god Brian didn't waste any time. I don't think I could have waited any longer. My eyes popped open the moment I felt him. I let out a loud moan.

Brian laughed. "Oh, I'm so glad your laughing at me, because technically, your just laughing at your own dick. I mean it is responsible for the noise I made." I said. He just laughed again.

I'm not gonna lie, this was rough, but I wasn't complaining. He was fucking great, like literally. He looked down at me and smirked, kissing me.

I then watched as he moved his hands from either side of my head and grabbed my hands, he started to move them. "What are you doing?" "Something you may or may not like."

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now