Come Back to Me

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(No one's pov)

When they entered the hospital, Delilah was rushed to an ER bed, Matt following after her. He watched as several nurses and doctors started to help her.

She flatlined twice and eventually she was stable. She wasn't awake, but she was alive. They ran some tests and put her into a room.

She was barely surviving. Matt sat there in her hospital room. She was hooked up to a bunch of machines. He watched as her chest fell and rose slowly.

"Please wake up." He said as he held her hand. "Come back to me." He whispered. The guys along with Gena and Lacey walked in right after he said that. "How is she?" Johnny asked.

Matt shook his head. "She's alive, but she hasn't woken up yet." The guys then all stayed in the room with Matt. As they sat there in silence, waiting for Delilah to wake up, Matt could of sworn he felt Delilah's hand squeeze his.

(End of Matt's pov)

I was drifting. I was in my mind. I could of very well have been in my afterlife but I couldn't tell if I was alive or dead. I couldn't tell until, I felt someone grab my hand. It was warm, and it felt like it was bigger than mine.

I then heard a voice say "please wake up" and "come back to me" I'd recognize that fucking voice anywhere. It was Matt. I can't die. Matt was with me. I couldn't die, I could see Matt again.

I don't know how fucked up I was but I know I squeezed his hand back. 'You can do this Delilah, your safe. If Matt's with you, then your probably in a hospital or some shit.' I told myself.

I squeezed his hand again. I then figured I'd try and open my eyes. I tried to and saw bright white light through small slits and it blinded me. Fuck. I shut my eyes and tried again. I let my eyes get used to the light before I opened them again.

I opened them all the way and saw a white ceiling. I heard a beeping and I felt something in my nose and things stuck to my chest, along with something on my arm.

I turned my head a little and saw Matt. I squeezed his hand. He looked at me with wide eyes and he smiled. I then looked and saw the rest of the guys along with Lacey and Gena.

"Del Del has joined us back in the land of living." Jimmy smiled. Matt left to get a doctor or a nurse or something.

"So, how was the afterlife?" Zacky questioned. "I don't know. I couldn't tell if I died or I was tripping on drugs." I admitted, my voice hoarse and raspy.

"Well either way, we're glad your okay." Lacey said. I nodded. Matt came back with the doctor. "You have a concussion, and you're badly bruised. You should be able to get discharged today." The doctor explained. I nodded.

The guys left and let Matt and I alone. Matt kissed my forehead. "I thought I was gunna lose you." Matt said quietly. I shook my head. "You didn't and you won't, alright?" I said. He nodded and kissed my lips gently.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and the doctor came inside, telling me that a few police officers were here and wanted to talk to me. I told him that they could ask me questions. He nodded and let them in the room.

They told me that Anthony was arrested and told me I didn't have to worry anymore. Thank Christ.

They left and then it was just Matt and I again. "Aren't you guys supposed to be in the next city already?"I questioned Matt. "Yeah, but what we're supposed to do? Just leave you here missing?" Matt said.

"I would of been okay if you did. I told you that I didn't want tour to get fucked up just because of me and my problems." I told him.

Matt then gently put both of his hands on either side of my head and stared at me. "Delilah, I'm married to you and I fucking love you more than anything else in the world. Your problems are my problems and I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm just glad your okay." He ranted.

I smiled at him. "I just want things to go back to normal, which means, you and the band will not be canceling your tour. After I get discharged, we're getting back on that goddamn bus and Avenged Sevenfold is finishing this fucking tour, alright?"

Matt laughed. "Are you serious?" I stared at him and crossed my arms. "Do I look serious?" I questioned him. "Alright, alright." He said with a smile.

The doctor eventually came back with discharge papers and took the oxygen off, my IV, and unhooked me from the machines. He left and I looked at Matt. "Finally." I said as I pushed the hospital blanket off of me and stood up.

"Shit." I said, looking at Matt. "What, is something wrong?" He questioned worriedly. "No, I just don't have any clothes." I told him. He nodded. "Lacey and Gena can get you clothes." He told me.

He called Johnny and told him the predicament I was in and hung up. Johnny told Lacey and Gena. They're getting you some of your clothes." He explained.

I smiled and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. "I thought I was never gonna see you again." I told him bluntly. He looked at me and brushed a few stray hairs away from my face and behind my ear.

"I thought I was going to die without seeing you again." I told him. "Well, you're alive and I'm not leaving your side. You came back to me." He said.

I smiled a small smile. "Tell me, truthfully, how Fucking awful do I look?" I asked Matt. "Beautiful to me." He smiled. I looked at him. "I said to be truthful." He gently grabbed my hands. "I am being truthful. No matter how many bruises or cuts that litter your face, wether you wear makeup or don't, what matters and what's beautiful is that you're always Delilah. And your Fucking beautiful to me and always will be." He ranted.

"And you're not so bad looking yourself." I joked. He faked being offended. As that was happening Lacey and Gena came with my clothes. I thanked them and they went back to the waiting room.

I glanced at the bandages on my wrists. Being tied to chair will do that. This is not going to be a walk in the park.

I got dressed, with the help of Matt when I needed. I walked to the waiting room with Matt. They all saw us and smiled. "We have a tour to finish." I told them as we walked out of the hospital.

The laughed and we walked to the car and then to the hotel. As Matt and I were walking to his room do he could pack he squeezed my hand gently.

"Thank you for coming back to me." He said softly. I smile and turned my head to look at him. "I'm never gonna leave you. I fucking swear that." I told him.

And that was the truth. We may have had a rocky start when we first met, but Anthony taking me, made me realize that I really could not live without Matt, and Matt the same with me.

This is how I survive, with him.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now