In Our Faces

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The guys we're currently in the middle of their concert. They were damn good live. I of course, was taking pictures. I kept looking at Brian, but every so often I found myself staring at Matt.

I shook my head as I snapped more pictures. After they were done and they thanked all of their fans, I walked over to the side of the stage were Gena and Lacey were. The guys walked over to us. "So what did you think of us?" Syn asked me as he draped a sweaty arm over my shoulders.

"You we're good, but Jesus Christ Brian, you need a shower." I told him. He laughed. "We're gunna head back to the hotel for a little bit." They guys said. "Wait, Brian, if your going with them, take my camera to our room please, I gotta talk to Gena and Lacey." I said. He nodded and I took my camera off from around my neck and handed it to him.

I glanced at Matt he still looked pissed off.

He and the guys then left.

(Matt's pov)

We just finished our show and I was eager to ask Delilah what she thought of us live, but fucking fuck face Synyster Gates beat me to it. He even wrapped his arm around her shoulders. I really wanted to punch him.

What fucking added to this fucking hatred though, was when we told the girls we were going back to the hotel, Delilah told Brian to wait and told him to take her camera to their room.

What the fuck. I needed a fucking drink, or sex, or something...fuck all that, I needed Delilah.

(End of Matt's pov)

I was walking back to the hotel, Lacey on my left and Gena to my right, our arms linked. "So,  first thing tomorrow, I'm making a clinic appointment." I told them. "You decide on what your doing yet, Del?" Gena asked.

I sighed. "There's a chance that the stupid test I took is false, so I better be safe than sorry." I explained. "That makes sense. Do you want us to go with you?" Lacey asked as we entered the hotel.

I shook my head. "I think I'd better go by myself. You two should spend time with your guys." I told them. We were now in the elevator.

"Well, we're here for you no matter what." Gena said as the the elevator dinged and opened to my floor. "I know. I'll see you two in a little bit." I said walking out of the elevator.

And with that, the door closed and I started my way to Brian and I's room. I got out my key card and opened the door. Brian was sitting on the bed. "I'm surprised you aren't at the bar right now." I told him.

"I figured I'd wait for you."  He said. I nodded and looked at him. "I need to take a shower, and then we can leave." I said as I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed some clothes.

He nodded and I left for the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. As I was in the shower, I couldn't help but think of Brian. But then my mind went to Matt and I wanted to fucking punch myself. 'what the hell are you doing Delilah' I mentally told myself as I shook my head.

(Syn's pov)

I'm surprised by the events that fucking happened today. The night was still young, but today was so fucking weird.

First weird thing that happened was Delilah and I being put in the same room. Second weird thing was she and Lacey being really fucking secretive, which is sort of understandable, I get privacy and all that, but I told Delilah that if she ever needed someone to talk to that she could always come to me or one of the guys.

And she agreed, but now she had Lacey and Gena. Now the third reason as to why this whole fucking day has been strange, I found that test on the sink, and I didn't know what all was happening, then again it's not my business, I just, I don't fucking know.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now