Michael, Half of my Hell on Earth

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"Long time no see Delly." He said. I shook my head. "Please for the love of god, Michael, cut the crap. All I want is our stupid marriage to be annulled." I told him. "Fine, but you have to let me in so we can fucking talk about this." He told me.

I nodded and slowly let him in. The guys were looking at him, and he was looking at them. They all looked pissed off. I mentally smiled to myself. If things went wrong I at least had the guys. They looked like they knew how to throw a punch or two, but I was hoping it wasn't going to have to go down like that.

"Oh, uhm...these are my friends. That's Johnny, Zacky, Brian, Matt, and Jimmy." I told him as I pointed to who was who. "Guys, this is Michael, and hopefully, he won't be fucking staying long." I said.

"Oh whatever." He said from beside me. I rolled my eyes. "If any of you need anything, we'll be the kitchen." I told them. They nodded and left it at that.

I couldn't see the guys anymore, which scared me a little. "Do you have the annulment papers?" I asked him. He nodded and put a file on the kitchen counter. "Can we talk about this first?" He asked.

"Talk about this? Michael, we're not in high school anymore, talking about our problems isn't going to work like it did. You know this. I told you why I wanted to leave." I explained.

"You never really gave me a crystal fucking clear idea!" He said, starting to yell. "God, do you not remember anything. I left for a reason. I was just gunna divorce you, but your sister actually told me about annulment. You knew something was wrong when your own sister took my side!" I said, also starting to yell. He didn't say anything. "You know what, get out! The annulment papers are still signed from three goddamn years ago! Get out!" I yelled at him.

(Matt's pov)

Meeting Michael was an interesting experience. He talked like a douche, acted like a dick, and I just didn't like him.

He and Delilah were in the kitchen, going over there annulment. It was quiet at first but then they started yelling. "Guys, shouldn't we like, intervene?" I asked them. Brian and Johnny both shook their heads. "Sometimes arguing is something that needs to happen." Johnny said.

We sat there, listening to there argument. We weren't even listening on purpose it was fucking loud, the yelling.

I wanted to punch Michael.

(End of Matt's pov)

"Get out! Don't you see that I don't want you in my life anymore!?" I yelled at him. "No, I love you!" He aggressively yelled back. I shook my head. "No, you don't, and you haven't. Michael, we were teenagers for christ sake!" I said.

"Is this about your addiction!?" He yelled at me. That surprised me, I hadn't talked about my past addiction in years. "What the fuck! This has nothing to do with my past addiction! I'm fucking two years clean and sober! Fuck even when I was going through it, you didn't even notice it, how much I needed help, but you knew about it!" I yelled at him.

"You wouldn't tell me anything! You wouldn't ask or talk to me about things!" Michael yelled. Tears were flowing. "Cause I wanted to Kill myself!" I sobbed. My eyes went wide at what I just said. Michael knew that, the guys didn't. Fuck, the guys were here.

(No one's pov)

The guys sat there in the living room, looking at each other and then the path to the kitchen worriedly. The yelling was okay, but the contents of it is what worried them. As soon as they all heard the words addiction, they started listening more intently.

Then when they heard Delilah scream she wanted to Kill herself, it seemed like the whole rooms mood dropped from anger and pissed off to sadness and concern.

(End of no one's pov)

"You would have too, if I didn't find you on the bathroom floor that night!" Michael yelled at me. "Yeah? Well you know what, Michael! I wish you didn't come home that night. It would of been easier. You could of just let me go and none of the shit that happened, would of happened!" I yelled.

"You brought that onto yourself!" He screamed. I knew that wasn't the case, but sometimes I wondered if it was all my fault. I shook my head. "My dad died! He didn't get to see me graduate and neither did my mom! You didn't even go to his funeral with me or help me through it in any way. His funeral was just me and a few people that he was serving with when he was killed. I didn't even get to be with him when he died! While I was grieving you were fucking Sarah. Which I find fucked cause he treated you like a son!" I said, yelling, my voice getting hoarse.

"So just, just get out." I said, not having the energy to yell anymore.  "I don't want too." he said. I shook my head. "Please, you could of killed me that night you came home drunk and beat me half to death. You may have changed, but my memories haven't and they won't." I told him.

He nodded and didn't say anything. "I can show you to the door." I told him as I blinked as silent tears continued to fall. He nodded.

I caught a glimpse of the guys looking at me. They all looked concerned and worried. I looked at Matt and his eyes weren't covered with sunglasses. He held the same emotions as the rest of them, but something was different.

I looked at Michael. "What about your past relationship? Anthony I mean." He asked out of no where. I shook my head. I wish he didn't ask that in front of the guys, I don't even know how he knew about him.

"Turns out, he was an even bigger dick than you were. Abusive as shit, but I got out didn't I? Just like I'm getting out of this." I said through a broken smile. He didn't say anything. He did though, hand me the annulment papers and with that, he closed the door.

I sighed. I still felt like shit from earlier and now this? Fuck. I sighed and turned around. The guys were still staring at me. "Are you okay?" Matt asked me. I turned my head and looked at him. Usually, it's Syn who asks me.

I nodded. "I'm fine, shadz...perfectly fine." I told him as I wiped my eyes. "Are you sure?" Syn asked. I tore my gaze away from Matt and looked at Brian.

"Yes, that my friends was just Michael, half of my hell on earth." I said. Realistically I didn't know if I was okay, but I guess I'd figure it out eventually. "Let me know if you want anything. I still feel like shit, so I'm going back to sleep." I said as I started to walk towards the stairs.

"If you need someone to talk too you can always talk to one of us." Synyster offered, like he did the first time we met. I looked back at him and smiled a small smile. "Will do Gates, will do." I said. I then went up the stairs and to my room.

I silently cried into my pillow. Yeah I had the power to get the annulment over with and I didn't have to see Michael again, but now the guys knew way to much of my past and I hated that. Then there was Anthony. He though, had no reason for seeing or contacting me. He can't hurt me here. He didn't even know where I was.

(No one's pov)

"I'm worried about her." Matt told the guys. They all nodded. "Trust me, we all are, she's our friend." Brian said. "Maybe we should stay for a few days." Jimmy suggested. "Yeah but we have to get clothes and shit." Zacky explained.

"One of us stays here, the rest of us goes to get our stuff and then when we get back the person who stayed here goes get there shit." Johnny said. They nodded. Synyster stayed first.

Delilah may not realize it yet, but this was her family now.

(A/N: I don't know about this chapter it got dark, but the topics I talked about need more attention because I feel they aren't talked about enough even though they are important. Also, sorry if there's in correct spelling or grammar. I'm half asleep, but I will eventually be editing all of the chapters to fix stuff like that. Happy reading:)

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