And Everything's Great

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(This one's long, I sincerely apologize)

It's been about 4 weeks since Matt and I made up. We've been to about 3-4 different states since then, and everything was great. No fights, no drama, no divorces, annulments, or anything.

Things were happy. We were all on the bus, headed to the next state. "So, are you guys like, husband and wife now?" Lacey asked. She had plenty of opportunities to ask about it before now. I just found the timing weird.

I looked over at Matt who was sitting right next to me. "I think technically we're girlfriend and boyfriend, but also wife and husband...Oh and we're engaged." Matt said.

"You two's situation is weird." Jimmy laughed. I nodded. "Yes it is, but that's okay." Matt smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"We'll let you know if there's any developments." I said like a business person. "Where are we going to next?" I questioned the guys. "Washington."Brian said. My eyes went wide. "Like Washington, Washington. Like Seattle?" I questioned.

"Shit." Matt said from beside me. "I'm sorry." He said as he placed his hand on my thigh. I shook my head and put my hand on his knee. "It's fine Matt, I'll get through it...I just hope I don't run into anyone I know." I told him.

"Alright, but we're all here if you need anything." He said. I smiled at him. "I know."

We had to stay on the bus tonight. We were all getting ready for bed. Matt and I were in the bathroom. The only place for privacy on a bus with 8-9 people.

We were in the middle of brushing our teeth. "I'm sorry about Seattle." Matt said as he put his toothbrush away. I spit out the toothpaste I had in my mouth. "It's fine. I'm not gunna have things with the tour get fucked up just because of my past. As long as I got you, the guys, Gena, and Lacey, I should be fine." I reassured him as I rinsed my toothbrush and put it away.

"I know, it just..." he trailed off. I could tell he felt really bad about this. "Sucks?" I finished for him. He laughed a little. "Yeah." He said as we exited the bathroom and walked over to our bunk. I got in first and then Matt got in after me.

The bunks were not that big, but I was fine with it because Matt and I shared one and got to be right next to each other as we slept.

As soon as Matt got into the bunk he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt his breath in my ear. "You know, we could just not go to sleep." He whispered. I rolled over to face him. "We are not having sex in this tiny ass bunk. And we are not having sex when there's literally other people across from us, below us, and above us, alright?" I laughed.

He pouted. I kissed him. "Maybe once we get to a hotel." I told him as I rolled back over. "Your killing me, Delilah." Matt said. I smiled to myself. "Goodnight Matt."

He said goodnight to me as well and eventually I was out.


I was sleeping greatly when I decided to roll over to get more comfortable. Except I rolled too far and fell out of the fucking bunk, causing me to wake up and in pain. "Owe fucking shit!" I yelled as I sat there on the floor.

Where the fuck was Matt? I heard someone walking back here. "Whoa, Delilah, are you okay?" I looked up to see Brian. "I fucking fell, where's Matt?" I questioned. He held out his hand to help me up. I took it.

"We're in Seattle, Matt's with Jimmy. You're welcome by the way." He said as he walked off. I followed him. "Sorry, thanks." I replied. "So what's the plan for today?" I questioned.

Brian shrugged. "Matt and Jimmy or doing dipshit fuckery, Johnny's with Lacey, and Zacky is with Gena." He told me.

I nodded. "Alrighty." "What about you? What are you doing today?" He asked me. I shrugged "I was gunna hang out with Matt or Jimmy, but I guess Matt let me sleep in." I told him. He looked at me and smiled. "You and I could always hang out." He offered.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now