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I had gotten Matt some Advil and he thanked me. He continued to cook as a I sat on the counter. "You cold help me, y'know." He told me. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "Hey, you offered. And you can't be mad that I'm not helping, I gave you Advil and I made hangover cures." I told him.

"Stop, cause now you're actually making me feel bad for being a dick to you." He said. I laughed. "Had to happen sometime." He nodded. I sat there and waited for the others to wake up. Eventually they did.

"What happened last night?" Jimmy asked as he sat down at the kitchen island. "It's a short story really. You all got drunk, did some stupid shit, and then passed the fuck out." I told him.

"Sounds about right." Syn said as he walked over and sat next to me on the counter. "Did you take our keys?" Zacky asked as I watched him turn around in circles frantically as he dug through all his pant pockets.

I nodded. "I didn't want any of you to accidentally injure yourselves or anyone else." I explained. "Awe, she cares." Jimmy said, just not drunk this time. "Are you and Matt okay now? I don't think I'd be able to fucking deal with you to fighting constantly." Johnny asked, sitting next to Jimmy. Matt stopped cooking and turned the stove off. Turning around.

"We both apologized, but we haven't exactly stopped hating each other, we just have an understanding." Matt said. Which confused the fuck out of me because what he was saying was almost a very different conversation than what we had almost and hour ago now.

I didn't say anything though, at least we weren't arguing. Matt gave each of us a plate of eggs and gave the guys their hangover cures. "So whose idea was this little gesture?" Syn asked us with a smile as he nudged me with his elbow.

"Mine, but Matt woke up before the rest of you did and he offered to help." I told him. They thanked me and they thanked Matt for helping.

"We should show you around Huntington." Johnny suggested as we ate. They all thought that was a good idea. I agreed. After we ate, the guys went back to the living room and I went to my room to change.

I changed into a cut off Megadeath shirt, a pair of shorts and combat boots. I reached my hand up to the necklaces around my neck. The first two were my dad's dog tags, the second one was a chain that had my dads wedding ring, mom's wedding ring, and both my engagement and wedding rings.

I put on a little makeup and I grabbed my phone, my wallet and went back downstairs. "Finally." Matt said as he rolled his eyes. I smiled sweetly at him and flipped him off.

As we were getting ready to walk out the door, my phone rang. "Sorry, guys, give me a minute." I said as I answered it. "Do you want us to leave?" Johnny asked. I shook my head and told them to wait.

(On the phone)

"Is this Delilah Ross?" The person asked. My eyes went wide and I didn't know what what to do. "Michael what the fuck do you want and how the fuck did you get this number?" I asked my ex husband.

I haven't seen him since I left him and signed the annulment papers. He wasn't a good person.

"You know how our marriage was annulled?" He questioned. My eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah? Why?" I asked confused. "Well, that didn't exactly happen." He said. My eyes went wide and anger over came me. I didn't even care that the guys were there watching and listening to me.

"You mean, for the past three goddamn years, we've still been married and your just now telling me?" I asked angrily. He laughed and said yeah. "Why? The day I fucking left and moved out and signed those stupid fucking papers you told me you'd take care of it, and then a week later you told me our fucking marriage was annulled!" I yelled at him, furious.

"I want a second chance." He said calmly.
I rolled my eyes and held my forehead in my hand. "A second chance? Michael, you dick, do you not remember why I wanted to leave you? We were 17! High school sweethearts! Look, I may have loved you back then, but I can't, not anymore and I haven't." I told him. He wasn't listening.

"Please Delly?" He asked. I shook my head. "You know what? No, do you not remember the day you beat the living shit out of me for whatever the fucking reason was? You have the audacity to ask for a second chance? Fucking fuck that. If you want a second chance maybe you should ask the bitch you we're screwing while you were with me, what was her name, Sarah I think?" I said pissed.

"God, your mom's death changed you."My face dropped and I wanted to cry. "My mother's death, has nothing to do with this. For Christ sake, she was dead when I met you." I said shaking my head.

"Alright fine, but we need to figure this out. I went by your apartment but your neighbors told me you moved...we have to do this in person." He told me. I shook my head.

"Really?" I asked. He told me the reasons and I couldn't argue. "Fine, I don't, I don't in Seattle anymore. I live in Huntington, Beach California." I explained as I gave him my address. He said he'd catch a flight as soon as possible and then I hung up.

(End of phone)

I didn't expect all that. If anyone was to come back from my past I would of expected my ex boyfriend, we broke up about 4 weeks ago and let's just say he's not a good person either.

I shook my head again and I looked up to see the guys staring at me. They all looked worried, hell even Matt looked worried.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked me. I shook my head. "As okay as I can be, apparently I'm still married to a jackass and that jackass is coming here." I said.

"Do you still want us to show you around?" Jimmy asked. I nodded. "I need a distraction." They nodded and I gave them their keys. I opted to go with Synyster. I don't know why, but I trusted him.

He had been driving for a few minutes and it was quiet, a comfortable quiet. "I'm sorry about your mom." He said out of no where. I nodded. "It's fine, don't be, cancer's a bitch." I laughed. He didn't laugh.

"It's okay, you can laugh." I told him. He let out a small chuckle. Now I had to worry about the obvious. My ex was coming to Hunting Beach. 'So much for a fresh start, Delilah' I told myself.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now