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I don't know what time it was, but I woke myself up screaming and tears in my eyes. Which apparently woke Matt up as well. I saw him. Anthony.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and it made me jump. "Shhh, it's only me." Matt said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. My head was on his chest, his arms around my waist.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. I shook my head. "You probably already know what it's about." I told him as I sniffled.

"You never have to worry about him again." Matt said comfortingly as he kissed the top my head. "I know, it's just, unfortunate that he is the way he fucking is and has done the things that he has done." I explained.

Matt kissed the top of my head again. "I know." We didn't talk after that. Matt and I laid there in the darkness of the hotel room, in a comfortable silence for hours as he held me, comforting me. The both of us falling asleep as he did so.

The second time I woke up, it was on good terms. The sun was actually out and the sky was no longer dark. Matt was still holding me. I nudged him with my elbow and he woke up. He smiled.

"Good morning." He said deeply. I really did love his morning voice. "Good morning." I said as I also smiled at him. He loosened the hold his arms had around my waist and I got up.

I walked to the bathroom and took my pajamas off and turned the water on. As I showered, I watched as Matt came from the door and started brushing his teeth.

I smiled. Things were alright. After I was done, I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around me. Matt looked at me with a smile from where he stood in front of the sink.

I walked over to him and brought my lips to him, kissing him. It wasn't a soft kiss either which hurt. I felt Matt put his hands on my waist. He kissed me back and pulled away and looked at me.

"Don't start something we won't be able to finish." He said huskily as he smiled. He was killing me, in a good way. "We have to be on the bus, we're leaving soon." He continued.

I sighed and stepped away from him. "Your probably right." I said as I walked out of the bathroom and to the bed, getting my suitcase and changing.

After I changed, I made sure I had everything. Everything was in my suitcase, my necklaces were on my neck along with my camera, my rings were on my fingers, and I had Matt.

"You ready?" He asked as he walked to the door with his suitcase. I nodded. "I can't wait until we're back in Huntington." I said as we exited the room and walked to the elevator.

He looked at me as I pushed the first floor button. "I may or may not have something to ask you when we get home." He said, definitely saying he was going to ask me something.

"You gunna ask me to marry you again?" I joked as the elevator dinged and the door opened, us walking out. He laughed as we walked to guys who were waiting for us in the lobby. "You'll see."

I rolled my eyes as I smiled. We then all walked out of the hotel and onto the bus. "Tour was fun." Zacky said. I looked at him. "You mean minus me getting kidnapped? Then yes it was." I joked. None of them laughed. "You guys can laugh." I told them.

They still didn't. "I need to get you use to my dark humor." I sighed as Matt put an arm over my shoulders. "I'm thinking about staying at Delilah's house tonight with Gena." Lacey told Johnny, and now me.

"We have a wedding to plan." She added. I looked at her. "Do I get a say in this?" I questioned. Gena and Lacey both looked at me and smiled. "Of course." I nodded. "I'm fine with that." I shrugged.

"Great, cause then we can have girls night as we do so." Gena said excitedly. I laughed. "You got it."

The bus ride was agonizingly long. Of course we stopped here and there, but I just wanted to go home. Eventually, how many hours later, I was home. In my own my own house.

Matt kissed me before we left. He was going to his house, telling me he wanted to hangout tomorrow.

Lacey and Gena would be coming later. I went to my room and got out all the stuff that I had packed. I changed into comfortable clothes. I had some time time to kill before Lacey and Gena got here.

I did my laundry and edited a few pictures I took in the meantime.

Eventually there was a knock on the door and I went downstairs. I opened it to Gena and Lacey.

"I hope you have good planning skills." Gena said as she and Lacey walked in, sitting on the couch. I laugh. "So what's first?" I questioned, having no idea what they wanted to plan for the wedding.

We then started talking about places to have the wedding, first dance song, what cake, what food, whose invited, the flowers, my dress. I looked at them.

The wedding between Michael and I, was not like this. I wore a white blouse, a white skirt, a crappy veil, and we got married on the football field of the high school we went to.

"I think we freaked her out." Lacey said to Gena as I stared at them. "No...I just never planned a wedding before...I didn't know this much stuff went into it." I told them.

"Just pick things that you really like." Gena told me. "Shouldn't Matt be here too then?" I questioned. After all, it was his wedding just as much as it was mine.

"We've never seen Matt so in love with someone before. If it makes you happy, then he'll be happy." Lacey explained. I nodded and we continued.

Around midnight, the three of us were still in the living room. We had everything planned, apart from the dress. The flowers were going to red roses with white and black carnations, the cake was going to be red velvet, and we were going to have the wedding at this pavilion thing.

The guests were of course just Gena, Lacey, Jimmy, Johnny, Zacky, and Brian, and a few of the guy's friends ands Matt's family.

Things were great. Gena and Lacey were both gunna be my bride maids. I couldn't pick a maid of honor so I made them both it. "We're taking you dress shopping tomorrow." Lacey told me. "I'm hanging our with Matt tomorrow, so like at what time?" I questioned.

"As soon as we wake up and get ready  for the day." Gena answered. "Okay."

We eventually ordered food and then passed out. Planning everything was tiring.

(A/N: I'm trying to shit out as many chapters as I can before I start school on Wednesday, so if they seem rushed, I apologize:) 🖤-Jaimie)

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