Even The Shadows Have Light

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(This one's longer than usual, I apologize)

Matt and I were still in his hotel room. We were laying on his bed kissing each other. He was a good kisser, both of them were but I had to get out. Out of this room, out of this mindset, out of this fucking weird love triangle or whatever the fuck it was.

I pushed Matt away. "I'm really sorry." I said as I sat up and quickly walked to his door and out of it and into the hallway before he could say anything. Oh my god what the fuck was I doing?

I eventually got to Brian and I's room. Thankfully, he was there. "We need to talk."
I told him. He looked at me and scoffed. "Did you fuck Matt to help make your decision?" Brian asked bitterly.

My eyes went wide and I was getting pissed. So much for me getting rid of my stress and anxiety. "No, and even if I did, we aren't in a relationship. But I came here to give you an answer." I told him.

He crossed his arms. Then what's the fucking verdict, Delilah?" He asked, also pissed off. "Yes! Okay, I want a relationship with you!" I basically yelled. I don't think that was true, but I couldn't keep kissing Matt, this seemed like a good alternative.

Before I knew it Brian had walked across the room, picking me up and kissing me. I should of said no. I should of left, went back to Huntington or fucking Seattle or fucking somewhere. This wasn't helping anything.

I kissed him back. I miss Matt. I mentally punched myself the moment I thought of him and kissed Brian back more aggressively. We eventually ended up on the bed.

I really didn't see this night ending in me having sex...or me being in a relationship. I guess I was Brian's girlfriend now, and he was my boyfriend. Those words scared me.

When he and I were done, I wanted sleep. Brian pulled the covers over the both of us and we went to sleep right next to each other. Fuck.


The next morning, I woke up and Brian was already up. He was getting out of the shower. "Your finally up." He smiled at me. "What time even is it?" I asked him.

He shrugged "9-ish? I want to take my girlfriend out today." He smiled. I looked at him and smiled. His smile looked genuine. I nodded. "Okay, alright, just let me get a shower." I said as I got up and walked to the bathroom.

He popped into my head again. I shook my head. A good girlfriend does not think about another guy while she's showering. After my shower, I got dressed and Brian grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. He smiled at me, and I to him.

He took me to breakfast, which, not gunna lie, was very sweet of him. "So, how's Delilah this morning?" He asked across the table at the restaurant we were at. I shrugged. "I'm okay. How's Synyster?" I asked back.

He smiled. "Great." After we were done, he paid and grabbed my hand again, we were walking to the venue when a few fans saw him and came running over. One of them, shoved her way between he and I, making me fall in my ass.

"Oh shit Delilah? Are you okay?" Syn asked a she moved through the fans and helped me up. I nodded. Syn then looked at the fans. "You guys gotta be careful, the only persons job to knock my girlfriend off her feet, is mine." He said as he put and arm around my shoulders.

The girls screamed and eventually left. "Well that was something." I said. He nodded. "They go a little crazy when they see us in public, and they go even more crazy when they find out one of us is in a relationship." He says. I wasn't ready for that.

We entered the venue. The guys had there last show in this city tonight, then it was off to Las Vegas, Nevada. We had to go for soundcheck. We entered and already saw the guys there. "You go do your thing, and I'll go do mine." I told Brian. He laughed.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now