How Kind of You

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All the guys gave me their numbers so I could contact them if I had too. Matt didn't want to, but Brian smacked him upside the head for being rude.

They were leaving for their tour in a few days and I of course had to go with them. I dreaded for the day we left. It's been a few hours since we ordered pizza and the guys were drinking beers.

It was nearly 2 in the morning and the guys were still at my house, just now, they were drunk. I tried to cut them off, but it was 5 against 1. "There's no way in hell any of you are driving. I so do no need to be the reason any of you crash and fucking die." I told them.

"Aweee she careees!" Jimmy said slurring his words from where he was nearly passed out on the couch. I shook my head. "As if Jimmy, I heard Delilah here has a thing for bassists." Johnny also slurred. I shook my head again smiling. I'm sorry, but I found this funny.

"NO, she's into guitar players, right Syn?" Zacky said way too happily. Syn smirked. "She LOVES Synyster Gates. marry me." Brian yelled, whispering the 'marry me' part. I laughed. "Keep telling yourself that Syn." I told him. Jimmy started laughing at him.

"Hey, don't be mean to Brian just because he's drunk and took his chance at saying something. He did what most people don't have the balls too do, even if they're sober." I said. I heard Zacky whisper "Damn".

"Syn, man, Del can't marry you, she's been divorced. Remember, you gotta really respect that man." Matt said, which surprised me. He was less of an ass when he was drunk I learned.

I made them all cough up their keys. They'd get them back in the morning. I then went to get them all blankets.

I had given all them blanket's except for Matt. I was caught up with helping Jimmy because he thought the blanket was water and that it was drowning him. I shook my head.

After I managed to calm him down and convince him that the blanket wasn't water, I walked over and laid a blanket over Matt. "Thank you." He said, which surprised me again.

"You're welcome...there's a chance your probably not gunna remember this when you wake up, but please stop being such a dick, you actually being nice is a nice look on you. I may not know everything about you and you about me, but shit takes fucking time, and being a dick to someone you barely know, is really fucking shitty. I apologized so maybe you should too." I told him.

He nodded and rolled over. I sighed and shut the lights off, walking up the stairs and to my room. Surprisingly, Johnny and Jimmy did a good job unpacking it. I of course would have to put stuff we're I actually wanted it to go, but at least there weren't anymore cardboard boxes sitting around.

I sifted through my clothes and found a sweatshirt and a pair of sleep shorts. I changed, grabbed my toiletries bag, and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then put my toothbrush in the cup by the sink.

I put the rest of what was in the bag away and went back to my room. As soon my head hit the pillow, I was out.


I'm not going to lie, that was the best fucking sleep I've had. I smiled to myself as I got out of bed, this isn't Seattle, I never had to see my ex husband again and ex boyfriend couldn't hurt me here.

I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up. I walked down the stairs content. I didn't have to worry about things anymore as much as I did in Seattle.

When I reached the living room, I saw people on the couch and then I remembered I let the guys stay here last night so they wouldn't possibly die.

They'd be hungover. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast and and hangover cures for them. It would have been rude not to.

As I was doing that, I heard footsteps and groaning. I turned around and it was Matt. I rolled my eyes. "My head is fucking killing me." He said. I nodded. "That's what happens after you get drunk."

"Okay, yeah, I fucking know that, I'm not stupid." He said in a pissed off way as he leaned against the counter that was next to the stove. I looked at him as I fried eggs. "And I never said you were." I told him.

He didn't say anything. "Do you want something?" I asked him. "I remember what you told me last night." He said. I looked at him through the corner of my eye.

I was really hoping that he was drunk enough to forget that. It was stupid. "I am sorry. I don't mean to be a dick to you, I just, people are not my thing." He said. I looked at him. "I don't believe that. Your in band, millions of people probably love you." I told him.

He nodded. "But they just know me from the band, they don't know me deep rooted like the guys do, and neither do you." He said. I nodded. "Yeah, because we just met yesterday. That's why you barely know anything about me." I told him. He was quiet for a minute after that.

"Can we start over?" He asked. I put the eggs on a plate and turned my whole body to look at him. "As long as you wont be a fucking dick to me anymore." I told Matt. He nodded. "Do you want any help?" He asked. I looked at him for little bit before answering.

"How kind of you." I said on the line of being sarcastic. He gently pushed my away from the stove. "Do you want advil or something?" I asked, remembering his headache as he started making more food. "He nodded. "How kind of you." He said in the same tone as I did. I actually laughed a little at that.

At least we weren't being dicks to each other, but I had a feeling that this nice thing wasn't going to last.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now