Just More and More Secrets

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(Matt's pov)

We were all at soundcheck and Brian was late. And so was Delilah. Brian's late-ness I understood, he was probably getting laid or some shit.

But Delilah, I didn't understand. That is, until I watched as she and Brian walked into the venue...together and I wasn't a big fan of Brian's fucking hand placement either. His arm was around Delilah's waist.

As they got closer and made it onto the stage, I realized why they both were late and why they both were closer with one another than they usually were. Delilah was wearing lipstick today, except it was smudged and Brian's fucking mouth was covered in it sloppily.

Needless to say, I was pissed the fuck off. I don't even now why I was, but I know I don't like whatever was happening between them. I'm surprised that the rest of the guys didn't catch on to Brian's lady friend being Delilah.

Today was gunna be fucking long.

(End of Matt's pov)

As the guys did soundcheck, I took various pictures of them, sort of like a behind the scenes type of thing. You could tell Matt was mad...I just didn't know why.

I was in the middle of the empty pit where the fans would be later on. I was taking a lot of pictures. Mostly of Brian. I wasn't giving Matt the time of day, he was being a dick. I got really nauseous all of a sudden to the point where it made me fall on my ass and make me take my camera off and sit is down next to me.

I then saw Lacey, Gena, and the guys drop everything and run to me. Lacey, Matt and Brian got to me first. I sighed. "Del, are you okay?" Lacey asked. I glanced at Matt. Even though he was a dick, he seemed worried. I shook my head. "A wave of nausea hit me and I got really tired and then down I fucking went." I told her.

"You really should go to the doctor." Zacky said, Gena agreeing. "I'll make an appointment tomorrow." I told them. "What's going on here?" The guys' manager asked as he walked over to the group of people that surrounded me.

"Nothing." Lacey, Gena, Brian, and I all said at the same time, which earned weird looks from everyone, Matt especially. The only two who didn't give us weird looks was their manager and Jimmy. He said okay and told everyone to get back to work. Brian helped me up and then picked up my camera. "Are you okay?" He asked. The wave of nausea had passed.

I smirked. "No, but I would be if you kissed me." I whispered only so he could hear. He smirked. And leaned into my ear. "I can do that in our room after later after the show...maybe more." He said. I laughed.

I continued taking pictures and eventually we all waited in the guys' dressing room. "I'm going to be open." Johnny started. We all looked at him confused. "What's up Christ?" Matt asked.

"People are lying and usually it's not a big deal, but I feel like somethings going on and we don't know what it is." He said. The girls and I looked at each other, then I looked at Brian.

"Lacey and I are helping Delilah through some shit." Gena said. I nodded. "This stupid stomach bug." I lied. I glanced at Brian, hoping he wouldn't say anything. Thankfully he didn't.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Matt asked, looking at mainly me. "It's a girl thing." Lacey said. I nodded. "Then I guess the air is cleared." Johnny said. I nodded. Barely.

I excused myself to the bathroom. I didn't even have to go for any reason, but I needed some time to myself. I was just standing there. Looking at myself in the mirror when the door opened. I expected Gena or Lacey, but it was Brian.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I shrugged. "I just, everything is so fucked." I said. He agreed. "I'm sorry you've been through so much and that you are going through so much." He told me, pulling me close. I hugged his torso. "I'm sorry." I said out of no where.

"How come?" He asked softly. I looked at him. "For kissing you, making a fucking mess of things." I said. As tears started falling out of my eyes. I shook my head. "Stupid pregnancy hormones." I whispered. "Hey, who says I don't like the mess you created?" He said as he wiped my tears with his thumbs.

I laughed. "True...how'd you get away from everyone after I left? What was your excuse?" I asked him. "I told everyone I was going to go find the girl I was with earlier when I was late to soundcheck...and I didn't really lie." He smiled.

I sighed. "What are we doing after the concert?" I asked him. "All of us usually go out, we'll in this case, the hotel bar." He said. I pulled a face. "If anyone gets you a drink, I'll drink it for you." He said. I smiled. "Why thank you." I was going to leave, but Brian grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

He then kissed me, not like before, this one was more rough, couldn't help but kiss him back. I'm glad the bathroom isn't fucking connected to or in the dressing room, if it was they'd know I was in here with Brian, and they'd be able to hear us laugh and any other noises we made while we kissed.

"I should get back." I said in a break for us to breathe. "10 more minutes?" He questioned. I nodded and started kissing him again. I felt Brian's hands move from my waist to my ass, I honestly didn't care. At least I was less sad and depressed.

I hated that this is the way I was thinking.

We were getting as close as we could be, Brian and I were so busy, we didn't see the door open. "What the actual hell?" We heard from the door. Brian and I both stopped and looked to the door. Fucking Zacky. "For fucksake." I said.

"Well I didn't expect this." He said as he looked at Brian than me with wide eyes. "Here's the fucking deal Zacky, you can't tell anyone you saw me and Syn kissing, not even Gena." I said. "You heard her, man." Syn said.

Zacky sighed in defeat. "Alright, I won't tell, now move I gotta piss." That made me laugh. Brian grabbed my hand and Zacky walked into the bathroom as we walked out.

"I guess we should go back to the dressing room." I told Brian. "Who said our fun had to end? I still got time." He said as he got close to me. I shook my head. "Not so fast Synyster Gates, I've been gone a while, they think your with some mysterious girl, but your with me. If we spend any more time together right now, someone is gunna think something's up." I said.

He sighed. "Okay, I'll see you later." He said before he kissed me again and started walking off in the opposite direction of the dressing room. "I have no idea what fuck I'm doing." I said to myself out loud as I walked back to the dressing room and as I fixed my lipstick.

I honestly had no fucking idea what the hell I was doing.

I was supposed to be by myself, why I'm even in California at all, but Jesus Christ, there's just something about Synyster Gates.

(Matt's pov)

We were all in the dressing room when Johnny decided to speak up about the girls' secretive-ness. I debated on telling him about my seeing Lacey buy a pregnancy test at the store, but I decided against it, it wasn't my fucking business to tell.

And neither was the fact that Gates and Delilah were...whatever they were when they were alone together. I wanted to punch him. I just didn't want Delilah to get hurt. Yeah, I may be a dick to her, but that didn't mean I don't care about her, hated myself for it, but I did.

The girls said they were helping Delilah with her stomach bug. Yeah, okay. Then Delilah left to the bathroom. What I find fucking interesting though, is a few minutes after that, Brian got up, saying he was going to go find his lady friend from earlier, meaning he was meeting Delilah in the bathroom, doing god fucking knows what.

About 10-15 minutes pass and Delilah's still gone. "I have to use the bathroom." Zacky said getting up. "Your gunna have to wait, Delilah's taking her sweet time." I said bitterly. Johnny looked at me. "Well who fucking pissed in your cheerios?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "A handful of people." Zacky left and I wondered if Delilah was coming back at all. That is until the door to the dressing room opened and revealed Delilah. Her lipstick wasn't smudged, she was pretty. Maybe I had a chance after all-wait, no. Fuck.

(End of Matt's pov)

I really wish Zacky hadn't walked in on Brian and I, now there was just going to be more and more secrets. Fuck.

(A/N: the story is finally going somewhere thankfully. How we feeling about Delilah and Synyster's 'situationship?' I'd love to know what you guys think of the story so far. Happy reading!:)

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