The Start of Syn and Del

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"You okay?" Brian finally asked as my crying slowed and stopped being so loud. "Who fucking knows anymore." I said as I sat the test next to me on the floor, I was tired of looking at it. "Anything I can do?" He asked.

My head was leaning against his shoulder. I looked up at him, I underestimated how close we were to each other. My breathing hitched. I know I said that he was hot, more than once, and that I had a thing for him, but I warded off relationships. The exact reason why I wasn't gunna try anything with Matt either.

But Brian was here for me right now, and he never really was a dick to me like Matt was. He stared at me. Before I could stop myself, I felt my head getting closer to Brian's, and before we could stop anything, we were kissing.

He pulled away and looked at me confused. I looked at him intently. "Delilah" he said softly with a look like he was saying we shouldn't be doing this. I knew what he was going to say, but I didn't want to hear it. Instead I shook my head and went to kiss him again. He kissed me back like he did the first time.

He deepened the kiss and before I knew it I was straddling him on the bathroom floor of a hotel where I just found out I was pregnant. If my parents could see me now. I felt his hands on my waist and in my hair. I had my hands in his hair, grabbing onto it every so often.

We were both way to busy literally attacking each other's faces to notice that someone was knocking on our hotel room door. Brian and I pulled apart to catch our breath's. It looked like his eyes were filled with lust, I'd be lying if mine weren't filled with the same desire, but I mentally told myself that this wasn't going to go any further than just kissing.

He quickly went back to kissing me and I wanted to be as close to him as I could be in the extent that we were kissing. "Someone should answer that." Brian said against my lips. "They can fuck off." I said.

"Brian!" The person yelled, it was Johnny. Brian pulled his face away from mine for a minute. "Fuck off, Christ!" He yelled, out of breath and breathing heavy. I wanted him more.

"We're gunna be late for soundcheck!" Johnny yelled again. "Maybe you should go." I said. Brian smirked. "Nah. They can miss me for few more fucking minutes." He said, connecting his mouth with mine once more.

I smiled against his lips. After maybe 15 more minutes of us making out, I told him that he better go to soundcheck. "But what if I wanna stay here with you." He said wriggling his eyebrows. I laughed as he put his arms over my back and locked his hands together.

"If you think we're having sex on the bathroom floor then you better keep dreaming, Gates." He laughed and kissed me again, moving one of his hands from back and on to my chin. I looked at him then he pulled away.

"Don't move, talk, or anything. I'm taking your pictures." I told him as I ran to get my camera. He looked distressed, lustful, he had lipstick smeared all over his face. Oops. He got up after I was done and I showed him. He liked them.

"Hot" I said. He smirked and furrowed his eyebrows, lust still in his eyes. "You sure you're not the one who wants to have sex on the bathroom floor?" He asked me jokingly. I rolled my eyes. "Just because you're hot and a good kisser, doesn't mean I wanna jump into your pants, Brian." I said.

"No, but you'll want to eventually." He said. I smacked his arm.

"Are you going to soundcheck with me?" He asked hopeful. I nodded. "Remember Syn, I'm the one with the camera." I'd tell him this wasn't a relationship later. He kissed me again. I think we started something that we weren't gunna be able to stop. Fuck.

He held the door open for me, and I thanked him. All I could think about now, was kissing him. He did though, put his arm around my waist as we walked, that didn't bother me.

When we got to the venue and entered it, everyone looked pissed off. "Oh fucking finally!" Matt yelled looking at Brian then staring at me. "Chill, I was fucking busy." Syn said. "Then why are you late too?" Their manager asked me. "Lady problems." I lied.

I glanced at Brian and watched as he smirked. Before I could take any pictures or anything, Lacey came up to me. Brian still had his arm around my waist until he was given his guitar.

Lacey grabbed my hand and dragged me to the side of the stage. "What the hell did you do?" She asked. "I'm sorry?" I questioned. "Your lipstick is all smeared, and around Brian's mouth, is a little to red for my liking." She said.

"We may or may not have kissed, but this shit stays between you and I, alright?" I told her. She nodded. "Fine, I won't even tell Gena, but please be careful, Brian loves his women." She said. I nodded and laughed.

She reached into her purse and pulled out a tissue and started fixing my lipstick. I thanked her. As she did that I did hear the guys have a wonderful conversation. "So, Gates...whose your lady friend?" Jimmy asked.

I'm glad they didn't notice that it was me given the lipstick mishap. "Oh, whatever do you mean?" He said. "You have red lipstick smeared all over your face." Matt said flatly and pissed off. He's a dick again, yay. "A very sexy lady friend." Brian said as he glanced my way. Things were happening way too fast.

"She have a name?" Zacky asked. "Yepp. Like most people do." Brian replied. "Oh, I see, he's not telling us shit." Johnny realized. Syn nodded and briefly looked my way again, except this time, with a wink.

"Please tell me this isn't the start of 'Syn and Del." Lacey asked as Brian and I kept looking at each other and she watching it happen. I shrugged. "I don't know Lace...for right now we're just, Syn and Del." I replied.

I heard her sigh from beside me, "Then Johnny us all." She said half joking and half serious.

How bad could this be?

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now