Hey, Thats My Wife You Dick!

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It was the same night that Matt and I decided to try and make things work. Fucking crazy as it sounds.

We were all having dinner. I know we should of like, announced that we accidentally got married, but I figured the situation would come up on its own.

And the reason I didn't want to announce it, was that Matt and I would probably end up getting in a fight resulting in us hating each other again.

We were at this restaurant. We definitely stood out from the rest of the people there. They were dressed in button up shirts, suits and dresses. Us on the other hand, were wearing jeans, t-shirts, and jackets.

I was sitting next to Matt. We weren't dating or anything. We were just getting to know each other. "So, how has tour been for everyone?" Johnny asked. "Fucking weird." I said honestly.

Matt laughed from beside me. "Don't I know it." He said. I looked at him, he was already looking at me, that stupid smile of his. I returned it by smiling a small smile back. "And what has been happening between you two?" Brian asked wriggling his eyebrows.

I'm glad that Brian and I forgave each other and that we were friends again, like it was before. If something was going on between Matt and I, I don't think he would care. Given the fact the was joking about it now.

"We don't know yet." Matt said honestly. I nodded. "So far we're friends, and getting to know each other." I added. "That's good." Jimmy said defiantly.

I laughed. As we were eating this guy walked over to our table. More like walked over to me. He tried talking to me but all of us collectively ignored him.

He wasn't going away anytime soon. "Can I help you?" I asked getting pissed. "Your the photographer for them, right?" He asked. I nodded. "Well...I was making sure you weren't dating any of them because I was wondering if you'd let me take you to my place." He said.

He was bold. And I'm pretty sure he was drunk. "Sorry, I can't." I said. He then put his hand on the back of my chair. "And why not?" He asked. "Uhm, because I'm busy." I said motioning to the guys, Lacey, and Gena.

He then grabbed my hair and yanked my head back. That's when shit hit the fan. "I said no you ass!" I yelled as he held my hair. "Let her go, man!" Brian yelled. The guy shook his head and took his other hand and wrapped it around my neck.

I looked at Matt, tears filling my eyes. "Hey, that's my wife you fucking dick!" Matt yelled as he got up and tackled the guy. My eyes went wide and I grabbed my neck, catching my breathe. Johnny and Zacky rushed over to pull them apart.

Brian looked at me and then to Matt with wide eyes. Lacey and Gena then came over to me and started walking me back to the hotel. "Okay, I know you we're basically just fucking harassed in that restaurant and I'm sorry that happened to you, but you have a lot to tell us." Lacey said.

I nodded. "I know." They took me back to Matt and I's room. I sat down on the bed and took my shoes off. "When the fuck did you and Matt get married?" Gena asked. "It happened last night. We were drunk and got married." I said as I got up and walked over to Matt's side of the bed and picked up the marriage license and showed it to them.

"That's legit." Lacey said. I nodded. "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Gena questioned. I sighed. "I don't know. When Matt and I found out we were pissed. But now? Last night Matt said he wanted to try and make this weird ass marriage work." I explained to them.

"I think Matt is in love with you." Lacey said. Gena and I both looked at her. "How so?" I questioned. "Matt wasn't really into marriage, kinda what fucked up his last relationship." Lacey said.

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