Synner of Saints

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(This one is long, I'm sorry, but I like this chapter :)

Matt held the paper in his hands. "What are we going to do?" He questioned as he stared at the marriage license in his hand. "I don't know alright!" I yelled.

Stupid stupid Delilah I said to myself as I was freaking out. Then there was a knock at the door. "Fuck." Matt whispered. He walked over to the door and I told him not answer it, thankfully he didn't. I put my hands on my forehead and searched the floor to find a shirt or something.

The door opened just as I was picking up the shirt and putting it on. "Where the fuck have you been? You disappeared last night and-" It was Johnny. He stopped talking when he saw me standing there, pulling Matt's shirt over my head. It was better than nothing.

"Oh, uhm. The guys and the gals want to do something today that isn't when the both of you are presentable...we'll be downstairs." He said as he turned for the door. "Nice seeing you Delilah." He said.

I groaned. "What the hell." I said shaking my head. "Hey, we can worry about all of this later, alright?" He said softly. I looked at him. "How can you be so fucking calm about this?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I don't think being married to you is a bad thing." He said. I laughed. "You've never been married before, it fucking sucks." I told him. "True, but please, we can get this all taken care of later, right now our friends want to hang out."

"Alright fine, but I think the both of us need to get clothes on." I said. "And I need to find a way to fucking cover up what the fuck you did to my neck." I told him he looked at my neck and smirked.

"I honestly don't think we did anything, except for make out. Hopefully, last night eventually comes back to us." He said. I nodded. "Let's fucking hope." I said as I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a random pair of jeans.

I was unorganized, I still had no idea what I was doing. After I got my pants on I put socks and shoes on and waited for Matt. "Don't you think it will look suspicious if we show up together?" I asked as we walked out of his room.

"Delilah, don't you think it will look suspicious if we not only show up together, but you obviously wearing my shirt, your neck, and the rings." He smirked. I looked down at the shirt. Fuck I forgot about that.

Matt was not an unfit person, his shirt was a little to big on me. And I forgot about the rings and my fucking neck. "Fuck." I said out loud. He grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"Maybe...maybe Johnny didn't tell any of them, and if he didn't...let's hope none of them fucking notice." Matt said, starting to realize the situation we were in.

I nodded and wriggled my hand out of his. We arrived to the lobby of the hotel and the girls greeted me with a smile. "So what are we doing today?" I asked them. I glanced at Brian and he was staring at me.

"We thought maybe we'd walk around or something." Zacky suggested. I nodded. I glanced at Matt and he was already staring at me. I looked away.

We left the hotel and started our walk. "So, where'd you three disappear to last night? At least Brian came back eventually." Gena asked the three of us. I panicked. "Brian and I talked..." I said.

"More like broke up, but whatever." Brian said pissed. Then everyone got quiet. I shook my head. "Wait, then where did you stay last night?" Lacey questioned. I didn't say anything. But Matt did, fucking wish he didn't, but he did.

"She stayed with me." Matt said as we walked. "That's we're you disappeared to." Zacky said, finally connecting the dots. "Delilah called me crying because she didn't know where to go or what to do, so I helped her out because she's my friend." Matt replied.

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