Sore Throat Remedies(Jimmy Neutron X Reader)

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Call me a people pleaser, but MusicLover1488 said this and "Kidnapped" were their favorite Jimmy works, so I dug through my notebooks and found both to make them happy.

The main reason why I came back is because of the sweet comments you guys leave me, so.

Might as well get this one written since I don't want to wait until my day off to write it.


You smiled happily at the sound of Goddard happily barking at the sight of you.

You knelt down to him. You pulled out an empty soda can. "Look what I brought you, Goddard."

He barked excitedly at the treat.

"Sit," you commanded.

Goddard sat obediently, eyeing the can.

"Roll over."

You giggled at the sight of his head spinning three hundred sixty degrees.

"Play dead."

You backed up. Goddard exploded before putting himself back together.

You smiled before tossing the can into the air. "Atta boy, Goddard."

The robot dog caught it with ease and ate it.

"Where's Jimmy at, boy? Huh?" you asked him.

He ran off toward the Neutron house. You followed him and up the stairs to Jimmy's room. He barked to alert his owner.

Jimmy turned from his desk to lock eyes with you. He smiled. "Hey, (Y/N)."

"So, what's on the agenda today?" you smiled before clearing your throat.

"Chemistry," he chirped before noticing you clear your throat four more times. "Is your throat bothering you?"

"Yeah. I got a sore throat a couple days ago and it's only gotten worse," you said.

"Hm. You okay with home remedies?" he asked. "I don't think we have any cold medicine. I don't get sick often, so."

You nodded. "Whatever helps."

The boy genius took your hand. He led you to the kitchen. Goddard followed you. Once in the cooking area, Jimmy grabbed a tumbler and filled it with ice water.

"Let's start with keeping your throat hydrated," he advised. You took the tumbler and took a swig from it.

"I have other stuff in the lab that count as remedies," he said.

"Think you could make me a healing serum?" you deadpanned.

A soft chuckle left Jimmy. "If I knew more about medicine, I totally would."


"Jimmy, the water isn't having any effect anymore," you told him as he shook up a test tube of liquid calcium and solid lead.

He set the test tube back onto its rack. You watched him go over to the refrigerator by his computer and pull out a pitcher of green tea and a bottle of honey. He grabbed the mug and spoon from the top of the refrigerator. Jimmy poured the tea into the mug before putting it in the microwave nearby. Once it was warm enough, he squeezed some honey into the tea and stirred it in.

"It's decaf," he mentioned. He handed the mug to you. "Caffeine makes you dehydrated."

You took it from him. "Thanks, Jimmy."

You took a slow sip of the soothing liquid. You felt the honey coat your raw throat.

"How's that?" Jimmy asked.

You smiled at him. "Perfect."

He smiled as well. His cheeks heated up prior to pressing a kiss to your slightly chapped lips. You giggled quietly upon kissing back. You felt his arm hook around your waist.

He pulled back after a couple of seconds. "Wanna see what a mixture of solid lead and liquid calcium does when it's combined with hydrochloric acid?"

You giggled. "Yeah."


New characters will be added on Tuesday. I may or may not do four one shots instead of two since I may or may not have plans on Friday. So. We'll see how that goes.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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