Midnight Walks(Pitch Black[Rise of the Guardians] X Reader)

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I think I did a better job at capturing Pitch's personality while still keeping him soft with this one.

I hope.


Even though it was midnight, you were still awake so you could talk to Pitch. And because you had caffeine too late in the day.

You felt like you were being watched. You looked up from your phone to see the Nightmare King blending into the darkness of your room.

"Has Sandman ignored you tonight?" he asked as he came over to you.

"I saw him earlier. He didn't see me awake, though," you said. You turned on your lamp.

"Did you want to be awake? Usually, you'd be asleep by now," he replied. He sat next to you.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about something. And I fucked up and had caffeine too late in the day again," you said with a sheepish smile.

A soft smirk curled Pitch's lips. "It was unintentional, I'm guessing?"

"Always," you replied.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

"I've been wanting to take walks at night, but you know how paranoid I am," you explained. "Mind being my escort?"

"Of course," he chimed. "On one condition."

"Which is?" you asked.

"I'm allowed to give children nightmares on our walk," he stated.

"Fine, fine. But only the children Sandman hasn't given dreams to," you compromised. "Deal?"

"Deal," he said. He got up. "Come now, little nightmare. The darkness awaits."

"I don't know about that. Especially with the amount of street lights," you said with a shit-eating grin.

Pitch couldn't help the laughter that escaped him. "I should have expected a remark like that from you."

You giggled softly. "Yeah, you got yourself into that one."

You both escaped the house through the front door. You began your walk around the neighborhood. Pitch had your hand in his.

As you passed houses, Pitch sent small nightmares to any bedrooms lacking Sandy's golden dreams. He notably grew in size as he absorbed the fear.

"You're off today, correct?" he asked.

"Yeah. I doubt I'll sleep in, though," you confirmed.

"I'm glad you're immune to my nightmares," he said. "As much as I need fear, I'd hate to be feeding off of yours."

"Honestly, when you use your sand on me, I just fall into a deep dreamless sleep," you said. "I just wake up feeling tired, though. However. I'd rather wake up tired from a deep sleep than be tired from a nightmare."

"Good," he said.

The walk lasted a good hour. Once the caffeine crash began to take effect, Pitch noticed you yawn.

"Are you ready to try to sleep now?" he asked, now at least a foot taller than he was before the walk started.

You nodded. "Yeah. The caffeine's worn off and I'm calling it. I need sleep."

The Bogeyman scooped you into his arms after sending one final nightmare to an unsuspecting child. He held you close as he carried you home. Your head rested against his chest.

Once back in your room, he carefully laid you in your bed. You plugged your phone in. "Thanks, Pitch," you said as you settled down. He sat next to you.

"We need to do that more often, little nightmare," he smiled, grabbing your hand.

You returned the smile tiredly. "Then we will. I love you."

"And I love you," he said then kissed your forehead. "Now, sleep."

You rolled onto your side and closed your eyes. The gentle, slow sensation of Pitch's thumb caressing the top of your hand lulled you to sleep.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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