Song Dedications and Sweet Words(Mettaton[Undertale] X Reader)

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I like to imagine Mettaton's voice is constantly seductive. Brownie points to anyone who can name the song from the lyrics.


"Mettaton!" you screamed upon jolting awake. You felt tears roll down your (skin color) cheeks. A small feeling of comfort took over your mind as you realized you were in your bed. You looked over at your phone on your side table.

You wiped your tears away while reaching for it. You tapped Mettaton's number. Holding your phone to your ear, you held back the lump in your throat.

"Hello~..?" the star of the Underground yawned.

"M-Mettaton, are you okay..?" you asked, your voice trembling.

"I'm fine, darling~.." he replied tiredly. "Why~..? Are you all right~..?"

"I am now.." you sniffled.

"Did you have a nightmare, darling~..?" he asked. The concern was evident.


"Was it about me~?"

"Mhm.. Flowey destroyed you.. I couldn't stop him in time.."

"Flowey doesn't exist anymore, darling~. Asriel was returned to normal, remember~? He can't hurt us anymore~. Not that I would let him hurt you~."

You couldn't help the small smile that curved your lips. "Good to know.. I, um.."

"What is it, darling~?"

"...I don't think I'll be able to fall back to sleep.."

"You can rest with me after my show, little dove~. Anything you would like to talk about~?"

"Nothing much, really."

"Oh~? Not even anything worthy of venting~?"

"Nope. I'm good. Although.."


You held back a giggle at the smile in his voice. "..Will you sing to me? It might put me to sleep."

"My, my~. How the tables have turned~."

You let out the soft giggle you were holding back.

"Will you?"

"Anything for you, my dear~. Any requests~?"

"Surprise me."

"Oh, I will~."

Your eyes widened upon hearing what the robotic idol began to croon.

"They need a monster that they can root for and I will give them everything 'cause they need a monster that they believe in and I will be there shining~."

You felt a sudden warmth in your chest at the song he chose.

"Darling, I'll be there when everyone else has gone~. You can count on me 'cause you need a monster to be your hero and darling, I swear I'll never leave~."


"Yes, little darling~?"

"Was that song dedicated to me?"

"Smart girl~. You needed reassurance and I can tell I delivered~."

"You did. Thanks."

"You're very welcome~."

"I love you, Mettaton."

"I love you too, (Y/N)~. My next show will be dedicated to you~."

"I've heard of flattery, but this is ridiculous."

You smiled upon hearing Mettaton laugh on his end of the phone.

"You're precious, darling~."

You curled up with your phone to your ear. You let out a yawn.

"Is my little darling sleepy~?" Mettaton cooed.

"Yeah," I said. "We can keep talking, though."

"You need your beauty sleep~," he insisted. "How about I give you a wake up call~?"

You smiled. "I'd like that."

"Go on to sleep, my little dove~. Have the sweetest dreams of your Mettaton~," he cooed.

"I love you, Mettaton.." you yawned.

"Sleep sweet, darling~," he crooned before you both ended the call.

Hugging your Mettaton plush to your chest, you drifted into a peaceful slumber.


I planned to do, like, three more, but my motivation is gone and I'm very distracted.

Thus, I'm ending it here until my next kick.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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