House Cleaning Blues(Betty Boop X Reader)

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Fuuuuuuuuck so many one shots, so little mental energy to do more than two, and only two hands.


You walked into Betty's house with a box of doughnuts to find it more trashed than it was when you left. Betty had a party last night and you tried and failed to get back before she woke up.

"-Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourte- oh!" you heard Betty exclaim with sounds of  breaking ceramic and the bonk! of something hitting her. You rushed into the kitchen to find her whining and holding her head. A push broom and many broken plates surrounded her. 

"Betty, what happened? I was only gone for twenty minutes and the house is worse than how it was when I left," you said while setting the doughnuts down on the counter. I grabbed the ice bag from the freezer and tended to her growing bump.

"I was trying to clean and everything gawt wohrse and wohrse as I went," she explained.

"Why didn't you wait for me? I was gonna help you," you asked. You kept a gentle pressure on her head.

"I wawnted to get a head stawrt so we'd have time to do something befohre the day ends," she answered. "I don't wawnt us to be cleanin' awll day."

You directed her to the dining table. She sat down in a chair and you sat in one next to her. "We won't be cleaning all day, Betty. It's still pretty early enough. How about we have some doughnuts before we start?"

She gave you a small smile. "Okay."

"The second floor was off limits, right? Nobody went up there?" you asked.

"Just the fihrst floor," she answered, now holding the ice bag.

"Oh, that'll be easy," you smiled. "We start at opposite ends of the house and meet in the middle? Sound good?" 

"Mhm," she confirmed. "Okay. Food first, then cleaning."


"How lawng was that, (Y/N)?" Betty asked as the two of you put the cleaning supplies away.

"A couple hours at the least," you replied then looked at the clock. You smiled. "Only eleven o'clock. We still have hours to do something. I told you."

She giggled as the two of you hugged. "Awll right, okay." You pulled back. Her hands held yours. "Well, what do ya wawnna do, toots?" 

"Going to the park sounds good," you smiled.

She kissed the back of your hand. "To the pawrk we go."


Betty's disgustingly obscure, I know. I've always loved her, though.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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