A Big Sister Battle(Atlas[BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea] X Big Sister!Reader)

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I know I just did Atlas, but this one is one of my favorite BioShock one shots I've written.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

"You bastards! You destroyed my masterpiece!" Sander Cohen yelled over the P.A. system in Fort Frolic. "I can't believe this! My Quadtych is ruined! You're going to pay for that!"

Atlas and I watched seventeen Splicers of various types come into the Atrium, one by one.

"Let's see if that Big Sister of yours can protect you now, you Irish son of a bitch!" Cohen roared before the fight began.

Atlas cocked his shotgun and killed Splicers left and right. He used his signature one-two punch often.

I stabbed any Splicer I could with my ADAM needle. I impaled a Thuggish Splicer that lunged at me.

My eyes widened behind my helmet at the sight of a Thuggish Splicer coming up behind Atlas.

"Atlas! Thuggish Splicer at 6 o' clock!" I exclaimed.

I killed the dying ones whilst Atlas took care of the Thuggish Splicer that was behind him.

"Kill them, kill them! They deserve to die for ruining my Quadtych!" Cohen yelled over the P.A. system. "Fill them with lead!"

Atlas and I ignored the deranged artist's comment. We weren't going to die.

I felt an idea brewing in my mind.

I headed up the stairs toward the Upper Atrium. A group of Splicers followed me. I got them to gather in front of the railing beside the stairs. I sprinted at them. I smirked behind my helmet, my increasing force breaking the railing and pushing them off the Upper Atrium.

I body-slammed them to the cement floor. The impact killed every Splicer I lured into my trap. I grunted upon hitting the pile of corpses under me.

"T'e hell was t'at?" Atlas asked me.

"Instant death of a group of Splicers," I answered while getting off the pile.

Out of the blue, a Houdini Splicer came up behind Atlas and slashed his shoulder. The Irishman's knees gave out as I impaled the monster and killed it before it could teleport away. I rushed to Atlas's aid.

"Atlas, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry about me, darlin'," he said through grit teeth. He got up and handed me his gun. "Take care o' Cohen.."

"It seems my minions couldn't wack you. I guess I'll have to finish the job," Cohen growled.

Atlas got out of Cohen's sight. He hid in the shadows.

The insane artist appeared in front of me. He taunted me by disappearing right before my needle came into contact with him.

"Ah-ah-ah," he taunted. "Nice try, little pest."

I came into the spotlight. I watched Cohen appear at the top of the stairs. Right when he appeared, I shot him right between his drawn eyebrows. I watched with anger-filled eyes as his limp corpse slid down the staircase.

I looted his body. Atlas came into the light.

"Let's get you fixed up, Atlas," I said to him.

"Where do ye want me t' sit, doc?" he joked.

I unlocked my helmet before pulling it off. I did the same with my needle. "On the stairs is fine."

He sat on the third step. I took his shirt off before tending to his wound.

It didn't take long to get his wound patched up. I pulled out a hypo of ADAM.

"Atlas, take my hand."


I grabbed the Irishman's hand before injecting the ADAM into his wound. "This."

His hand had an iron grip on mine. He tried to keep his pained sounds as quiet as he could to avoid unwanted contact with any Splicers.

"Oh, fer feck's sake, t'at hurts," he groaned.

"You're doing great, Atlas. It's almost all in," I said. I kissed his head.

His grip on my hand loosened as the pain faded.

"Wow," was all he could say after he regrouped himself. 

"Your wound's healed, Atlas," I told him.

"What'd ye use t'at made it hurt t'at bad?" he questioned.

"ADAM. I read it heals wounds," I answered.

"Now I know t'e pain Jack felt durin' his first time," he commented. He put his shirt back on.

"You okay?" I asked as he got up.

"Yea'. T'anks, darlin'," he replied.

I squeaked when he pulled me into a hug. I clung to him. My cheeks became warm at the feeling of him kissing my head.

"We've got enough stuff, darlin'. Let's head back to t'e hideout."

"Fine with me."


Marcurio's next, then Shadow. I know Shadow's gonna be the shortest. 

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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