Birthday Gifts(Jessie[Toy Story] X Reader)

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I might as well get some one shots written since I'm in a decent enough mood. This is loosely based on the fact I got a cat for my 21st birthday. She was run off by my brother's girlfriend's cat, so may she rest in peace.


"That's it, I'm getting a cat," you said to yourself while coming out of the bathroom. Today was your birthday and you'd been fighting with your anxiety over getting a new cat. You'd just won.

You walked into the kitchen to make yourself a tumbler of (favorite drink). Jessie climbed onto the island.

"Are you doing okay, hon? I heard you talking to yourself in the bathroom," she asked.

"Yeah. I decided to get a cat," you confirmed.

Jessie smiled happily. "That's my girl!"

You giggled. "Wanna come along?"

"C'mon! Let's go getcha a cat!" she exclaimed. You scooped her up before she could jump off the island. You grabbed your keys and the tumbler.

"Guys, Jessie and I are going out," you called. "We'll be back with a cat." You slipped your flip flops on and walked out the door.


After shopping for cat supplies, you arrived at the shelter. You looked at Jessie.

"You sure you wanna come in, Jessie? I know how you feel about animals," you asked while holding her hand.

"...I'm sorry, (Y/N). I can't," she hesitated.

"It's okay, it's okay. I get it, it's a bit depressing," you soothed. "I'll be out in probably twenty minutes. I don't know how long the adoption process will take." You slid your phone in front of her. "Keep yourself distracted. I know this is hard for you."

She squeezed your finger. "Thanks, hon.."

You plucked her hat off, kissed her head, and put it back atop her head. "I'll be back with a kitten."

"I love you, (N/N)," she said before you left the car.

You smiled at her. "I love you too, Jessie."


You came out with a 13 week old (cat breed) in a cardboard carrier. You opened the back passenger door and slid the carrier in. Distressed meowing began.

"I got it, (Y/N)," Jessie jumped into the backseat.

"You sure, Jess?" you asked.

"Yeah, let's get the kitten home," she said.

You got into the car and started the drive home. After a few minutes, the meowing died down.

"Have you thought of a name?" Jessie asked.

"I'm thinking (cat name)," you said.

"(Cat name)," she smiled. "I like that."


I'll see how many I can get written before I feel done.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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