Found By the River(Wilson Percival Higgsbury[Don't Starve] X Reader)

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We're almost to 20K, guys. Only around 2K to go.

This is longer than I thought it would be. I know Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together is dead at this point, but I still have Wilson as a F/O. So, he gets one shots.

My anxiety gives me ideas too easily. Granted, they're all the same concept and different execution, but an idea is an idea. I hope you guys don't mind the reoccurring concept thing.


-Wilson's P.O.V.-

(Y/N) seemed off today. She'd always stay close to the camp where we could see her due to her passive suicidal thoughts. The adults checked in with her once a day. I checked in with her once a night before we fell asleep.

"Smallbird!" I called, wandering the nearby evergreen grove to find her. "(Y/N)! Where are you?!" I was immediately worried. My stomach churned and my thoughts were filled with panic for her. "(Y/N)!"

After some wandering, I found her sitting at the edge of the river that split the land. She had her back to me. I sighed in relief, but the pit in my stomach remained. I noticed she was scratching her arm. She must have been doing it for a while. The area was red and irritated.

I sat next to her and gently pulled her scratching hand away. My hands were never very warm, so I gently pressed one to her irritated skin. I had to tread carefully.

"Please look at me, smallbird," I gently requested.

Her dull eyes met with mine. Her sanity was low. It was causing her suicidal thoughts to scream at her. I could practically hear them myself. Tears immediately rimmed her eyes. I pulled her into my lap. She was cradled in my hold with her head on my chest. I gently rocked her back and forth.

I softly shushed her. "I'm here now, it's all right. I'm glad I found you alive."

She sobbed softly a bit before speaking. "I haven't done anything else.. The scratching didn't make me feel anything.. You know I wouldn't.. No matter how much I want to..."

One hand held her and the other stroked her hair. "You're stronger than you think. It takes immense willpower to resist thoughts of suicide. Especially with low sanity. Here, I have some taffy in my left vest pocket. Please eat it," I said.

She grabbed the taffy from my vest and ate each piece. Her demeanor changed a bit. Candy always helped her mood.

"Thanks for coming to find me.." she sniffled. "You know I never wanna be alone when I get like this.."

I kissed her head. "I'm always here for you. You weren't lying to us during these last few check-ins, were you? Wickerbottom would have told me. You know she can sense a lie."

"No, I felt fine.. Something just hit me today.." she replied.

"What did you eat today?" I questioned. I wanted to find the cause of her sudden loss of sanity.

"A few green caps.." she answered.

"Raw?" I assumed.

She nodded. "Do they cause insanity if they aren't cooked..?"

"Yes, they do. I thought you didn't like mushrooms," I said.

"Green caps taste better.. They taste like broccoli.." Another wave of depression hit her and the tears began to flow again. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't apologize," I told her. "Were you unaware?"

She nodded with a sniffle. 

"Well, you never eat mushrooms. I didn't know you liked green caps," I said.

"Surprise.." she tried.

I chuckled softly at her attempt to lighten the mood. "Come on, let's get back to the camp. Everyone's worried about you."

We got up and I picked her up to carry her back. She wrapped her legs around my body and her arms went around my neck. I started the walk back to the camp. Her head rested on my shoulder.

"Thanks for the taffy.." she said.

"I always carry something for you," I replied. "I'll make you a garland when we get back."

She kissed my cheek. "I love you.."

I nuzzled my cheek against hers. "And I love you."

Once back at the camp, everyone was relieved to see (Y/N). After making her a garland, Wickerbottom and I started a therapy session with her, not without including more taffy.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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