Protecting the Protector(Booker DeWitt[BioShock Infinite] X Big Sister!Reader)

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This is actually my only time writing an unstable Big Sister other than the Big Sister X Reader request I did on my very first book if any of you remember that one.


-Booker's P.O.V.-

"You're sure about this, Tenenbaum?" I asked into the service radio she had given me.

"Ja, I am sure. For some reason, she thinks she has seen you before. She will not attack. If she does, hypnotize and bring to me," the doctor replied. "She is in Arcadia. Is her favorite spot."

"Got it," I replied. "How does she think she knows me?"

"She has seen you in her dreams as a child," she explained. "You would save Rapture."

"Hm. And you know this how?" I asked.

"Her childhood diary," she said.

I walked into Arcadia. "How'd she become a Little Sister if she's so 'one of a kind' to you?"

"She was first gatherer ever," was her response after seconds of hesitation. "She did not need a Big Daddy to protect her. She was smarter than the other little ones. Now she protects any and all Little Sisters. She kills their Big Daddies just to protect them herself. I think it is an unstable form of hyperindependence. Perhaps a constant need to prove herself."

"She can't cure them even though she protects them?" I asked.

"Nein. She sends them to me when they collect enough ADAM for her. I cure them," she replied. A loud, discordant screech was heard.

"That's her?" I assumed.

"Yes. Find her, Booker. I must cure her," she begged. "Allow her to finish her battle first to decrease chance of getting attacked yourself."

I clicked the radio off and followed the direction the screech came from. It led me to the Tea Garden. I hid behind a boulder and watched (Y/N) take five Houdini Splicers by herself. It took a good ten minutes, but she emerged victorious. The Little Sister that was in the cage-like basket on her back was removed by her and the child began to gather ADAM from the corpses. When the Little Sister was finished, she handed her needle to her protector.

"More ADAM for Big Sister," she smiled innocently. (Y/N) unlocked her helmet and pulled it off. She looked familiar to me despite her infected appearance.

She took the needle and began to drink from the bottle. The ADAM rapidly drained from it. Her helmet was clicked back into place when she was finished. She picked up the girl and teleported with a ripple of purple energy.

"Shit," I hissed. I clicked the radio back on. "Tenenbaum, I lost her. She teleported."

"Did she have little one with her?" she asked.

'Yeah," I replied.

"Arcadia Glens. She always takes them to vent by Gatherer's Garden for some reason," she advised.

"Thanks," I replied. Another screech was heard. "Wow."

"Hurry, Herr DeWitt," she urged.

I clicked the radio off and rushed to Arcadia Glens. This time, (Y/N) was fighting a Bouncer that must have been looking for the Little Sister she was protecting. I hid yet again and watched the battle unfold.

No wonder she didn't need a Big Daddy, I thought. Her fighting technique was very offensive. Her movement was swift and graceful and her blows were critical hits.

The Bouncer soon fell dead with a whale-like groan. The Little Sister began to sob for the fallen guardian. (Y/N) picked her up and hugged her. After a few minutes, the child calmed down. I heard a very raspy, breathy, "Mama.." come from (Y/N). The child nodded. (Y/N) held her to the vent and the Little Sister climbed in and disappeared.

(REQUESTS PERMANENTLY CLOSED)Various X F!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now