Temporary Insomnia(Red[Angry Birds Movie] X Reader)

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I know anything related to "Angry Birds" is probably dead by now, but I'm not.


"Nope, that's not gonna happen," Red sighed as he came into the living room where you were.

You paused your game on the TV and scooped him up from the floor. "Can't sleep?"

"Can I stay with you for a while?" he asked in response while sitting in your lap.

You pet his head with a soft smile. "I'd love nothing more."

The flightless cardinal got comfortable in the hole your crossed legs created. His tired eyes focused on the game you were playing. He looked up at you. "Do you have work tomorrow?"

"I'd be asleep by now if I did," you replied.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"10:43," you answered.

"Fair point," he said.

The sounds that came from your game and the clicking of the joysticks and buttons of your controller filled the room. Ways to help Red fall asleep filled your mind.

You smiled upon coming up with the ultimate solution: petting and singing. You paused your game then began the process of getting Red to fall asleep. You began gently petting his head and down his beak between his eyes while humming "Secunda" from the Skyrim soundtrack.

The tempered bird melted under your touch. His eyes drooped closed while letting out a soft moan at your soothing actions.

Within a few minutes, he was asleep.

You muted the TV and continued playing your game with the sleeping bird in your lap.


I'm not dead, my motivation's just unpredictable.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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