Replacement Inventory(Egon Spengler[Ghostbusters{1984} X Reader)

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I wouldn't consider this one overly short.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

"Don't have too much fun," Janine teased as I walked her out.

I giggled softly. "It's just movies and junk food, Janine. Have a nice day off tomorrow."

"Thanks, hon," she said before taking her leave. 

I closed the door and went back inside the firehouse. I went up to the kitchen to get the snacks ready, only to be met with Slimer eating everything I'd bought for tonight. "Slimer, you motherfucker!" I yelled angrily.

The green spectre began flying around the firehouse. I hurriedly attached a proton pack to my back and set up a trap on the bottom floor. Egon was in the shower, so it was up to me to get Slimer contained again.

While listening for Slimer's movements, I heard a proton stream go off and the gluttonous ghost scream. Egon's voice followed. "(Y/N)! The trap!"

"Down here, Egon!" I yelled. Egon came down the stairs with Slimer struggling in the stream's hold. I added my stream to Egon's to add strength. Within seconds, Slimer was stuck in the now smoking trap. I sighed after we turned our packs off. "That little piece of shit."

"Are you all right?" Egon asked.

"Yeah. Just pissed. He ate everything I bought," I said.

"You put Slimer back in containment. I'll make a list and replace what he ate," he said. He handed me the trap.

I took it from him. "My card's in my wallet under my bed."

Egon kissed my forehead. "No need. I'll pay for the replacements." He then went upstairs to take inventory.

I went to deal with Slimer. After putting him back in his unit, I went back upstairs to calm down. I noticed Egon had cleaned up the kitchen before he left. A note was left on the counter. A Twinkie was acting as a paperweight.

I'll be back in twenty minutes. I cleaned up Slimer's mess to take some stress off of your mind. Don't worry about paying me back.

- Egon

I unwrapped the Twinkie and ate it while throwing the note away. I went to the bedroom and lied down on Egon's bed with a deep sigh.

After twenty minutes of swimming thoughts, Egon's voice alerted me. "I'm back."

I got up and walked out to see the scientist unbagging the new snacks. I hugged him from behind. "Thanks for cleaning the kitchen. And buying the replacement food."

He turned around in my hold and held me to him. "We aren't letting Slimer ruin tonight for us. The night isn't over and everything's fine." He kissed my head.

I inhaled the scent of his cologne. "I'm glad you're back." I looked up at him. "Ready?"

He gave me a soft smile. "I'm ready when you are."

"Go get comfy. I'll bowl the snacks since you replaced them," I said.

"What movie did you decide?" he asked.

"(Horror movie)," I replied. "Yea or nay?" 

"Yea," he confirmed with a kiss to my forehead. He walked into the bedroom to change into his pajamas. I'll get it set up."

"Okay," I called while pouring Cheez-Its into a big bowl. After a few moments of silence, I blurted, "I love you, Egon."

"I love you, too," he said while walking out of the bedroom. I smiled to myself.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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