Talking In Your Sleep(Anthro!Bonnie the Bunny[F.N.a.F.] X Reader)

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I thought the song had to be included in a one shot at some point.


You were in the office keeping an eye on the gang while doing homework for your therapist. You were breezing through the questions up until a certain one. It asked, "Ask yourself: How do you think your younger self would react if she heard you talking about your body negatively?" You'd always been insecure about (body insecurity), even when you were a kid. The question left you stumped.

A certain song that Bonnie plucked on his guitar traveled down the west hallway and into the office. It pulled you from your troubled thoughts. You decided to take a break. You got up from the rolling chair while absentmindedly picking off some nail polish from your thumb. You realized what you were doing and dropped your hand as you walked into the west hallway.

You got to the entrance of the hall and watched Bonnie from afar. His fingers plucked the guitar's notes from "Talking In Your Sleep" by The Romantics. Once he got to the pre-chorus, you began to sing. The bad acoustics caused your voice to travel.

"You tell me that you want me. You tell me that you need me. You tell me that you love me and I know that I'm right 'cause I hear it in the night."

Bonnie continued to play, but he looked a bit confused about the direction of your voice. He looked around for you, but failed to follow the echo. He exchanged eye contact with Foxy. The pirate pointed to your location. You came out into Bonnie's line of sight.

"I hear the secrets that you keep when you're talking in your sleep. I hear the secrets that you keep when you're talking in your sleep."

You walked over to the stage and sat next to Bonnie. You leaned against him as he continued to play and you continued to sing. When you both finished, the four applauded you. You giggled.

"I didn't think you knew that song," Freddy said.

"My mom played it all the time when I was little so I learned it against my will," you replied. "I didn't think that was one of the songs you guys performed."

Yer never here durin' the day, lassie," Foxy said.

"And the pizzeria's 80's themed," Chica added.

"Fair point, fair point," you said.

A timer ringing came from the kitchen. "Oh, the pizza's ready," the chicken said then hurried into her favorite room.

"Taking a break?" Bonnie hoped. He wrapped an arm around you.

"Yeah. Therapy's hard," you said.

"It's supposed to be, bunny," the rabbit advised. "I'm proud of you, though."

"Thanks. It is helping, some of the homework I get sent home with is really hard to do. It physically stresses me out," you explained. 

"As long as you put in the effort, that's all that matters," he said. "Are you hungry? Chica was gonna bring you a slice before you came out here."

"A little," you responded. "I really need to see you guys more during the day."

"If you come later today, we'll play '(favorite 80's song)' for you," he bribed.

"Done," you said immediately, thus receiving laughter from the boys. Bonnie kissed your head.


It surprises me that this is 510 words.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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