Blowing Up Hephaestus(Atlas[BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea] X Reader)

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Loki's next after Booker.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

"That's the theory. It'll either work like a charm or blow up half of Rapture. Nothing ventured..."

Atlas and I looked at each other after the audio diary ended. I looked at the empty bomb casing."We have to build a bomb?" I asked in disbelief. "Neither of us know anything about building a damn bomb."

"Well," the Irishman said, "we know what we need and the blueprints are here. It can't be too hard."

"First, we had to make a vector that can bring dead plants back to life with honeybee spit and now we have to build an EMP bomb. Two different occupations. How does any of this make sense?" I asked rhetorically.

"Rapture doesn't make any feckin' sense," he said. "All right, we better get movin' if we're gettin' t' Ryan. I saw the ionic gel cans all over the place when we first got here. I think the R-34's are in Big Daddy suits."

"Fuck, really?" I sighed. "Well, we had to rescue the girls here, anyway."

"And the Nitroglycerin's in Kyburz' office," he finished. "If we made the Lazarus Vector, we can build a bomb. Come on."

Upon exiting the crawlspace, we easily found two quarter-cans of ionic gel. We left them in the crawlspace. We soon found a Rosie corpse. Atlas looted it and held up the first of four R-34 wire clusters. "One down."

"I think there're three Little Sisters here, so those are our sources for the other three," I thought aloud.

Atlas reloaded his grenade launcher with frag grenades. "We better get movin'. The girls move quick."

We emerged from the workshops. The faint vibration of a Big Daddy's footfalls caused the floor to gently rumble. The duo soon came into our line of sight. Atlas fired a grenade at the Bouncer, thus starting the short-lived fight. Four grenades later, the Bouncer died with a low, deep groan and collapsed onto the floor. I felt a pang of guilt at the sight of the Little Sister mourning her protector, but I reminded myself of everything Atlas told me about Big Daddies and Little Sisters.

Another wire cluster was looted by the Irishman. "Halfway there."

"Halfway of being two-thirds there," I deadpanned.

He gave me an amused smile. I picked up the Little Sister, only for her to struggle in my hold. My veins glowed before my whole hand lit up with Tenenbaum's curing plasmid. I pressed my hand to the back of the child's head. Her eyes and body shone brightly. Within a few seconds, all the light faded to reveal the healthy Little Sister.

"You saved me," she said.

I smiled softly. "Of course I did." I carried her to the nearby vent. "Go straight to Mama Tenenbaum, okay?"

She nodded. I kissed her forehead before helping her into the vent. She began the crawl to the Sanctuary.

"Okay," I exhaled. "Two wire clusters and one charge of Nitroglycerin. And two Little Sisters."

Atlas rubbed my shoulder. "We're gettin' there, dahrlin'."

The process to get the last two wire clusters and cure the last two Little Sisters took a while. The constant Splicer encounters didn't help. After sending the final cured Little Sister to Tenenbaum, we headed to Kyburz' office. Atlas hacked the door open and we were met with trap bolts among trap bolts. I used Telekinesis to clear the path.

"Something tells me we're getting shot after we get the charge," I said while we walked to the contained charge.

"There's a turret in here," Atlas replied. "Kyburz was paranoid. It's in the floor."

"Fuck. Okay," I said.

We got to his desk. Atlas pulled us down behind it.

"Ready? Pushin' that button not only opens the case, it also raises the turret," he said.

"Yeah. Let's get this over with," I replied. Atlas pressed the button. The glass containing the charge opened and the turret rose from under the floor. I used Telekinesis to get the charge. "Now."

We managed to escape unscathed. The Nitroglycerin was undamaged. We headed back to the workshops and entered the crawlspace. Atlas built the bomb. After a while, it was complete.

"Okay," I exhaled. "Let's go blow up Hephaestus."

We carried the bomb to Geothermal Control, only to notice the flooded lower area that led to Harmonic Core #3. We went over to the valve in the center after dealing with the turrets. "Shite," Atlas said.

"What do we do?" I asked as we set the bomb down.

Atlas looked up at the magma-filled pipes. "We redirect the magma to boil the water away. The only problem is Ryan's bound to notice."

"Who cares? We didn't build a fucking EMP bomb for nothing," I snarked.

He smirked. "Atta girl. You turn the valve, I'll fight off the splicers. It takes a bit a' strength t' turn."

"Okay," I replied. As I began to turn the valve, Ryan's voice came through my service radio.

"Will these creatures kill you? Even I don't know. As you drag me closer to the abyss, you pull yourself right along with me. I offer you a quick death, parasites. If I am to rot in Hell, then so will the both of you, Atlas."

"Fuck off, Ryan," I snapped with a grunt.

A wave of splicers soon filled the room. Atlas killed each one while I redirected the magma flow. After a good ten minutes, the water was gone and the splicers were dead. We carried the bomb to the elevator and ascended to the Core. Once there, we attached the bomb to the Core and detonated it. The bomb surged the Core and all of Hephaestus' security systems were down. We had our way to Ryan.

"Now, dahrlin'," Atlas started, "I think it's time we pay Ryan a visit." He kissed my forehead. "It's almost over. We're almost home free."

"Come on. Let's get to his office and kill that son of a bitch," I said. "This ends. Now."


Booker's second one is next and then no more BioShock ones from here on out until whenever.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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