An Early Morning Celebration(Jack Frost[R.O.t.G.] X Reader)

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It may still be November, but Christmas is usually depressing for me, so I'm trying to make it happier for myself this year.

This one shot is part of it.


A cold breeze went on outside, combining lone snowflakes into dancing flurries.

You kept your window open the slightest bit for Jack if he happened to stop by.

It was Christmas-Eve-turning-into-Christmas and your brother and sister were asleep in their beds with sugarplums dancing in their heads. You were asleep as well. Your body was curled up under your warm weighted blanket. You were dreaming of beating Pitch with the Guardians.

However, upon hearing the quiet, all-too-familiar voice of the Guardian of Fun in your ear, your dream ended at Sandy sucker punching the Nightmare King into the sky.

"Psst. Snowflake."

"Jack, you better have a damn good reason for waking me up this early.." you yawned with opening eyes. You looked at your clock, which read 3:42 A.M..

"North just left here."


"Time to celebrate."

You rolled onto your back to lock gazes with the eager spirit floating above you. His smile was contagious.

You smiled up at him. "I hate you. Fine. How about one present and a few cookies?"

"Deal," he laughed softly. He picked you up out of your bed. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms wrapped around his neck. He quietly walked down the stairs to the living room.

You were carefully placed onto the couch. Jack went to the kitchen and came out moments later with a small plate of sugar cookies and a wine glass of milk. 

You giggled softly at the glass. "Why a wine glass?"

"Gotta be fancy on holidays, right?" he smiled. He sat next to you. The plate and glass were set on the coffee table in front of you.

You pulled one of the soft sugar cookies apart to split it with Jack. With a kiss to your cheek, he took the sugary baked good and took a bite.

"So," you started before taking a swig of milk, "which gift should I open first?"

Jack left out a thoughtful hum while observing the pile of gifts North left for Jamie, Sophie, and you. He got up and grabbed a medium sized box wrapped in indigo wrapping paper with white snowflakes. Sitting back down next to you, he handed you the box.

"Each Guardian left you, Soph, and Jamie something. This one's from me," he said.

"What is it?" you asked.

"Open it and you'll find out, snowflake," he smiled. He kissed your forehead.

You unwrapped and opened the box. Your eyes widened at what was inside. You pulled out a stuffed doll of the frost spirit himself.

"Jack, this is adorable," you gushed. "I love it."

You grabbed the collar of his hoodie. Pulling him close, your lips crashed together. You felt him kiss back. His arms pulled you close.

You both pulled back after having your long moment. You then pulled Jack into a hug. "I love it, Jack."

He embraced you, giving your form an affectionate squeeze. "I thought you would, snowflake. I love you."

You both pulled back once more. 

"I love you too, Jack," you smiled. "Did you make this?"

"Yeah. With the help of North's wonder. It comes to life when you want it to," he explained.

"How?" you asked.

"Just think of things you thought were wonderful. Like during Thanksgiving break. You were in straight-up awe when you watched (childhood cartoon) after years of missing it. I could see it in your eyes," he replied.

Your thoughts went to Thanksgiving break. You remembered clearly how you were feeling that day.

Out of the blue, the stuffed doll in your hands came to life.

"Now I'll be here when I'm at the workshop," Jack said, kissing your cheek.

"Will you be here to celebrate Christmas with the family even though our mom can't see you?" you asked.

"We actually all will," he smiled. "We wouldn't miss it for the world."


I plan to do a Christmas one shot on either Christmas Eve or the day of. I have yet to decide. It takes place on Christmas, so I think I'll aim for Christmas Day.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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