Staying the Night(Chef Saltbaker[Cuphead] X Human!Reader)

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This is the last one for today. I'm trying to push any potential one shots that are already written to the back of my mind because I'm super close to going a bit kookoo. I didn't expect to write this much today.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I smiled at the now-clean kitchen. Chef Saltbaker tossed his dirty towel into the laundry basket to wash tomorrow. He smiled at me. "Wonderful work today, wondertart."

"Thanks, Gent," I replied then looked at the time. "Oh! Wow, 9:30 already? I better get going."

"I was thinking you could stay the night," the salt shaker suggested. "It gets kind of dangerous at night. Not to mention you could use a break from your brothers."

"Well, we are a couple," I smiled. "You sure, Gent?"

He nodded. "I'd walk you home if I wasn't."

"Okay, I'll stay. Let me just call Elder Kettle to let him know."

"Take your time, wondertart," he smiled happily.

I kissed his chest due to the height difference between us then went to the phone. I dialed the number to the cottage. 

Mugman answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, Muggsy. I'm gonna stay the night with Gent, okay? I'll be back tomorrow morning," I explained.

"Okay. I'll pass the message onto Elder Kettle," he replied.

"Tell Cuphead and Elder Kettle I love them. I'll come home with strawberry tarts I made today," I said.

"I will," he said.

"I love you, Mugs. Sleep well," I said.

"I love ya too, (N/N). G'night," he said before we hung up.

"I hope Cuphead likes the tarts," Gent said while escorting me to his bedroom.

"He loves any sweets I make," I replied. "I'll add the peace-offering-from-you bit when I get home."

I looked around Gent's room once we got there. "Nice bedroom."

"Thank you. All I have are T-shirts for something more comfortable for you," he explained.

"It's fine, love. Don't worry," I assured.

He handed me one of his oversized T-shirts. I took it and went into the bathroom to change. I came out moments later with a yawn. Gent was in his briefs and a matching T-shirt. He got into bed with me.

"Thank you for all your help today, wondertart," he said while holding me close.

I scooted up so we were equal heights. "I'm happy I could help, Gent."

"I won't need much taste-testing or baking assistance tomorrow with what we did today. Like to have tomorrow off?" he suggested.

I smiled. "Well, aren't you a generous boss? I'll take up that offer, Chef Saltbaker."

He chuckled softly. He kissed my forehead. "I love you, (Y/N)."

I returned the gesture then scooted back down to nuzzle my face into his cool chest. "I love you too, Gent."


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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