Gifts and Good News(The Once-Ler[The Lorax{2012}] X Reader)

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I'm surprised I'm writing the ideas I have as fast as I am. This is already number three.


The smell of pancakes and the quiet sound of the Once-Ler's humming woke you up. As he plated a triple stack of pancakes, he noticed you. He smiled. "Good morning, barbaloot."

You stretched then sat up. You rubbed your eyes. "Morning, Oncie."

He drizzled (flavor) syrup onto the stack before sitting next to you with the plate. He handed it to you while kissing your forehead. "I hope you're hungry."

"For your pancakes, always," you said. You took a bite. The flavors exploded on your taste buds. "What's with breakfast in bed?"

"No reason," he said. "I'm just in a good mood." His sky blue eyes sparkled more than usual.

"What caused the good mood?" you asked.

He got up and went over to a cabinet. He pulled out a freshly made (color) thneed. "Your reaction to having this."

"Wait, I thought you ditched the thneed idea. Why'd you make another just to give to me?" you asked.

"You said you wanted one before my family came and I said I'd make you one. I know it's not the first, but I think the last is just as special," he reasoned before loosely wrapping it around your neck. He smiled happily. "It makes your eyes pop."

"How'd you get the Lorax to let you make another one?" you inquired.

"I found a way to collect enough tufts without chopping down any trees. He let it pass with his usual skepticism," he explained.

You smiled. "Nice job."

"Thank you. You like it?" he smiled.

You nuzzled your cheek against it. "I love it, Once-Ler. Thank you."

He made his own plate of pancakes before sitting next to you. "I also have good news."

"What now?" you smirked playfully.

"Well," he started before taking a bite of his own breakfast. He finished eating the bite before continuing, "I had to go into town to get eggs for the pancakes, so I thought of going to the bar to get a status update on my application." He then smiled confidently. "Guess what?"

"You got the job. Please tell me you got the job," you guessed.

"Yeah, I got the job," he confirmed.

You giggled happily. You pulled him down and kissed his cheek repeatedly. "You son of a bitch, I'm so proud of you. I knew you'd get it."

The Once-Ler laughed. "I figured I would. I was the first and only one who applied for that position. Wanna go bowling to celebrate?"

"You sure know how to treat a lady, Mr. Once-Ler," you smirked. You pulled the thneed off of your neck and wrapped it around his. Both ends were in your hands. 

"What can I say?" he replied. "We haven't gone out for a date in a couple of weeks and I can't remember the last time you told me you went bowling, so I thought of bowling for date night. It being celebratory is a bonus. I love you."

"I love you, too," you swooned before kissing him. An arm wrapped around your waist as he kissed back. A few long moments went by before you both pulled back. Love was evident in his eyes as you smiled at each other.


Seven more to go.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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