Cold and Flu Season(Jack Frost[Rise of the Guardians] X Reader)

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Two out of five. I'm hoping I can get these all done in at most an hour and a half to two hours.


Even though you felt like you were lying in the sun on a hot day, you also felt like you were standing outside in the middle of December in only shorts and a T-shirt.

It was cold and flu season yet again and you caught Jamie's cold. You expected it since you nursed him back to health at the time.

Since you couldn't do much else, you were curled up in your bed and watching YouTube on your phone. Your blanket was over your head.

You went into a coughing fit into your pillow. You chest burned through your fit. Once it was over, you pulled the blanket off of your head to grab the glass of water on your side table. You sat up to chug the cool liquid.

While gulping down the water, you heard a knock on your frost-covered window. You swallowed the last mouthful of water and pulled the glass from your lips to see Jack at your window. He smiled and waved at you.

You smiled through your pain. You got up and went over to the window with a trembling form and chattering teeth. As soon as you opened the window, Jack flew in and shut it. He guided you back to bed.

"How're you feeling, snowflake?" he asked while tucking you in. He sat next to you.

"Super gross.." you hoarsely replied. "Not to mention I feel hot and cold at the same time.."

"Where's your thermometer? I wanna take your temperature," he said. 

"Bathroom.. In the cabinet above the sink.." you answered.

"How long has it been since your last medicine dose?" 

You looked at the time on your phone. "I have to take my next dose now.."

Jack pressed a cooling kiss to your forehead. He grabbed the warm hand towel from beside your pillow. "I'll be right back. Are you hungry?"

You shook your head. "I'm okay.."

He grabbed your now empty glass. "I'll fill this back up for you."

"Thanks, Jack.." you said, curling up.

A few minutes went by. Jack came back into your room with the now wet and presumably cold hand towel in his left hand, your now full water glass in his right hand, and something in his hoodie pocket that you assumed was the cold medicine.

He set the glass on the side table then sat next to me.

"Can you roll onto your back for me, snowflake?" he requested.

You did as he told you. Jack pulled the bottle and cap out of his hoodie pocket and poured the proper amount of medicine into the cap. You leaned on an elbow. He handed you the cap.

"God, I hate this.." you sighed before downing the grotesque liquid. Jack took the empty cap and replaced it with the glass of water. He flicked his wrist, to which ice cubes filled your glass.

You chugged the water the moment the ice appeared in the glass. You handed him the glass after you' had enough. You lied back down.

"Hey, at least you have me," Jack smiled. He created a snowflake in his hand. "I can keep you happy until the cold passes."

You watched him gently blow the snowflake in your direction. It landed gently on your nose. At the sensation of a cool breeze-like feeling moving through your burning body, you smiled in relief. Your dull, tired eyes sparkled.

"That's more than true.." you sighed.

Jack got into bed with you. He tossed the damp rag into your laundry hamper.

"I may or may not have just realized I didn't need that.." you mentioned, clinging to his cold form.

"...And I just realized I forgot the thermometer," he hesitated. His arms held you in a cold embrace.

You giggled. "Well, all you need to know is my body's on fire.."

"I'm not denying that," he smirked.

After realizing what he meant, you hid your now even hotter face in his chest.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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