The Death Of Songbird(Booker DeWitt[Bioshock Infinite] X Reader)

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I'm not questioning it, but how? 918 reads and I only have 23 one shots posted. You guys really like my stuff, huh?

Fuck, I have so many one shots I want to write at once.

This is for any of my old followers that still have a crush on Booker DeWitt.

I also apologize for being gone, I've been dealing with self shipping issues and it made me not wanna write at all until I figured it out. I'm mostly fine now, though.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Booker was eating a bag of chips when I came up to him. He set the bag down and dusted his hands off before standing. I had a look on my face that he could read like a crystal ball.

"What's wrong? I know that look," he said.

"I have a confession to make," I exhaled to attempt to calm my anxiety and my churning stomach. He silently urged me to continue. "I've had anxiety about Songbird finding me since you rescued me from my tower."

"You've had anxiety this entire time? Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"You wouldn't stand a chance against him, Booker. All he would have to do is toss you over the edge of the city. The impact of the water would instantly kill you. I can't lose you," I explained.

Booker's voice softened a bit. "You won't lose me. Not to that thing."

"You're right. I won't lose you to Songbird because I'm gonna lose him before I lose you," I said.

He cocked an eyebrow. "What're you talking about?"

"I'm gonna get Songbird to drown himself," I explained.

"How're you gonna control him to kill himself? Possession won't work on him. He's not like the vending machines," he countered.

I grabbed a pipe from a pile of rubble and went over to the Songbird Defense System statue. "We have to sing to him. An instrument called a whistler is inside each statue and it plays four notes in the song used to alert Songbird. After weeks of trying, I finally figured out the notes. C-A-G-E." I began to beat the statue to get to the instrument inside. The song began to play. After a few moments of vandalism, I found the whistler and ran outside. Booker followed with his shotgun. 

When I played the first note, Songbird came out of nowhere with a screech and kidnapped Booker.

"(Y/N)!" Booker yelled.

"Songbird, no!" I cried. I followed them.

The creature proceeded to toss Booker over the edge of Columbia to his death. I jumped after the False Shepherd. Songbird followed me to catch me and make me his prisoner. I noticed we were heading for a tear. I opened it and Booker and I fell through. I closed it before Songbird could get to us, trapping him in the fatal water pressure outside.

We were now in Rapture.

I ran over to Booker. "Booker, are you okay?" 

His eyes were locked on the dying creature. "(Y/N), look."

I looked up at Songbird. I helped Booker up before going to the glass.

"Just let go," I soothed with my hand on the glass. "I'm here, it's okay."

We watched the water pressure kill Songbird. His body sunk to the ocean floor.

"(Y/N).. I'm-" Booker started before I cut him off with a hug.

"It's over, Booker. I'm finally free."

Booker held me tightly. He kissed my head.

"So," he started after a few moments of silence, "how do we get home?"


My plan is to get four done between today and tomorrow since I'm off for two days straight. Or I'll just say "fuck it" and get all four done today.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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