The King Of Self Care(Mettaton[Undertale] X Reader)

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Mettaton, anyone?


You stared at your reflection while brushing your teeth. You brushed your tongue then spit the toothpaste into the sink. You rinsed your mouth out then wiped it clean with your bath towel. Mettaton poked his head into the bathroom.

"Darling~?" he started.

You looked at him. "Yeah, Ton-Ton?"

"May we talk for a second~?" he asked.

"What about?" you returned.

"You~," he replied.

"What about me?" you asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Your lack of self care~. You can't tell me you pamper yourself because I wouldn't believe you~," he said. A hand rested on the curve of his waist.

"Just because I don't do a full spa treatment once a week doesn't mean I don't give myself self care," you defended.

He smiled handsomely. "Would you like one~?"

His smile was contagious. You couldn't fight your own. "Really?"

"Of course~. Not only am I the idol of the Underground, I'm also the king of self care~. I know those customers at Grillby's are draining your sanity~. You need to be rejuvenated, and who would be better to pamper you back to your best than your darling Mettaton~?" he persuaded.

 You giggled softly. "All right, okay. Let's do it."

"Have you washed your face~?" he asked.

"Not yet," you said.

"Wash, but don't tone or moisturize~. I have a face mask your skin will love~," he said. He kissed your head then left.

You rolled your eyes with a smile. You washed your face then left the bathroom. Coming into your room, you saw Mettaton had a whole manicure and pedicure set with ten colors of nail polish on a tray on your bed. A tube of peel-off mask, a bowl of chocolate strawberries, a glass of ice water, a bottle of lotion, and a rose quartz face roller were next to the nail polish bottles.

He smiled at you. "A full body massage is after this~. I also know you just brushed your teeth, but I'm making you indulge~. You can always brush them again~."

"Okay, fair enough. What's first?" you asked, sitting next to him.

He handed you your phone. "The mood~. You can't jump into pleasure~. You have to build it~. Set it up~."

You went through your SoundCloud and  scrolled through your likes. You tapped "Do I Wanna Know?" by Arctic Monkeys. The song played on medium volume through your Bluetooth speaker on your desk. "This or a different song?"

"Ooh~," he smirked at the seductive-sounding guitar. "Perhaps something different~. This makes me want to be a little naughty with you~."

"You know I wouldn't mind that," you said then smirked. "Maybe a little playtime could be after the massage."

"Oh, you naughty little human~. Your wish is my command~," he teased then kissed you.

Your finger tapped a random song. "Jenny" by Studio Killers played from your speaker as you kissed back. A segmented arm coiled around you.

He pulled back and gently tapped your nose. "Much better, darling~. Are you ready~?"

"Whenever you are, Ton-Ton," you smiled. You sat against your headboard as the idol grabbed a nail file. You gave him your left hand. He kissed the back of it and the pampering began.


You all have permission to hate me for being a cockblock now.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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