A First Time For Everything(Phantom[Danny Phantom] X Reader)

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Can someone please convince me otherwise I'm not doing this for nothing?


Fenton Works was quiet; not because everyone was asleep. Danny was at Sam's, Jazz was at one of her friends' house, and Jack and Maddie were out of the house until tomorrow for their anniversary.

As far as you knew, Phantom was asleep. It was past eleven at night. Since you were unable to sleep, you were in the living room playing Wii Sports Resort. You kept the volume low. 

You were currently battling Eva in Vs. swordplay. You had won the first round. After a few minutes of fighting, Eva knocked you off the swordplay platform and into the ocean below.

A soft growl rumbled in your throat. You sighed then tried again. After a few minutes of chest tightening anxiety from close calls, you won two out of three rounds.

You went to the main menu. After thinking for a few moments, you decided on archery. You chose the easy difficulty. You connected the nunchuk to your remote and started your game. 

On your second turn for the third course, you heard a soft whoosh. You looked behind you to see Phantom floating into the living room.

"Unable to sleep?" you assumed.

"Bingo," he confirmed. "Same with you?"

"Mhm," you replied while pausing your game. You turned to face him.

"How long have you been playing?" the ghost asked.

"About half an hour. Wanna join?" you suggested.

"When you finish with your game," he said. His tail became his legs. He vaulted over the couch then sat down behind you.

You finished your game of archery then went to the main menu. You turned on the second remote and connected the Wii Motion Plus accessory. You handed it to him.

"Wanna pick?" you asked.

"Sure," he answered then browsed through the games. He chose swordplay.

"Ready?" he asked after calibrating his remote then stood next to you.

"Need I remind you I have a higher skill level than you?" you smirked.

"Only because you pick swordplay way more often than I do," he countered.

"I'm still gonna beat you."

"Don't be so sure."

You started the first round. You knocked Phantom back twice before getting hit by him. You managed to parry his second attack. You got three more hits in prior to getting hit once. You smirked. Two hits later, he fell into the ocean below.

"You were saying, Phantom?" you smiled innocently.

"Just you wait when we get to bowling. I'm gonna beat you so hard," he smirked.

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't," you shrugged.

He was definitely gonna beat you at bowling. You had no doubt in your mind he'd win. You were more used to bowling on Wii Sports than Wii Sports Resort. You definitely weren't a pro on Wii Sports Resort unlike Wii Sports.

Five or so minutes of competitive swordplay went by. The two of you ended the game with a tie.

You looked at each other then back at the TV.

"Uh.. I wasn't expecting this," you spoke.

"Have you and I ever gotten a tie?" he asked.

"No. It's always been you beat me or I beat you," you explained.

"There's a first time for everything, I guess," he blurted.

"Now I don't feel so scared to go up against you in bowling," you mentioned.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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