Tired Nights(Human!Foxy the Pirate Fox[F.N.a.F.] X Reader)

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I'm not physically dead, but I'm very mentally dead. I'm hanging on by a thread at this point and I hate feeling like this.


You collapsed into the office chair. Tossing your bag onto the messy yet decently spacious desk, you slumped down into the chair.

Sleep had been scarce for you for the last few days and you were sick of it.

You heard running footsteps that thumped against the floor. Looking up, you saw Foxy attempt to turn left to come into the room, only to slip on something in the hall and slam into the back wall. You burst into laughter at the accident.

Foxy groaned as he held his head. The redhead was now on the floor, leaning on an elbow. "Argh..."

"I-I'm sorry f-for la-laughing, Foxy," you laughed as you tried to calm down. You pressed a hand to your mouth with laugh-induced hitched breathing.

The pirate got up and walked into the office whilst rubbing his aching head. "I'd be laughin' too if it weren't me, lassie."

You let out deep breaths to keep yourself from laughing more. "Are you okay?"

"Aye," he replied. "This ol' fox's been through worse." He then got a better look at you. "Lassie, have ye slept?"

"Probably a few hours each night for the last few days," you told him. "I'm beyond exhausted."

You yelped as Foxy immediately scooped you into his toned arms. He walked out with you in his iron grip. He was careful of his hook.

"Foxy, what're you doing?" you demanded.

"I'm takin' ye t' get some sleep, lass," he said.

"Good luck with that," you snarked before sighing and resting your head on his shoulder. "Sorry.."

Foxy pressed a kiss to your (skin color) forehead. "Ye be a tired little lass. It's all right."

He carried you to Pirate Cove and set you down on the sheeted mattress by the back of the stage.

The star patterned curtains hid Foxy's bed during the day.

He lied down with you. His arms secured you to him. Your forehead rested against his chest. You felt his feet pull off your shoes before you curled up into him.

Your muscles began to relax a little. They relaxed even more at the feeling of Foxy's hand stroking your hair. 

He had his hooked hand folded under his head. His fingers gently raked through your tresses. Your eyes felt a bit heavy.

You scooted closer to him. Settling in against him, a yawn passed your lips.

Foxy brushed his lips gently against your forehead. He whispered to you, "Close ye eyes, lassie. Ye'll drift off."

You couldn't resist. Your eyes drooped closed as you clung to him. He very softly shushed you in your ear while stroking your hair.

You could feel yourself drifting off to your much-needed slumber.

Foxy smiled down at you. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead as you fell asleep.


I had three one shots for today, but I think I'm only going to do one. I got way too distracted writing this one. As long as I get at least one posted, I guess.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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