Bomb Pops(Jack Frost[Rise of the Guardians] X Reader)

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I feel like I'm the only one who thought Firecrackers and Bomb Pops were the same thing. Then again, I didn't really pay attention to the names when I was a kid. I just wanted the popcicle. /j


You got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. "God, I hate summer," you muttered. You opened the freezer and grabbed a Bomb Pop. You closed it while removing the frozen treat from its wrapper. You walked back into the living room then collapsed back onto the couch.

The doorbell rang. You got up to answer the door. Upon opening it, you were met with an empty front step. You suddenly got a chill despite being hit with the summer heat. You closed the door and went back to the living room. "Jack, I know you're in here."

He came out from behind the couch. "How'd you know?" He floated in front of you.

"I got a chill. It's the dead of summer," you deadpanned before taking a bite of your popcicle.

"Damn. I guess I need to up my game," he said. He pointed to what you were eating. "What's that?"

"A Bomb Pop. I'm assuming you don't know what an ice pop is," you said.

He shook his head. "No clue."

"It's pretty much frozen flavored sugar water on a stick. Most are that, but it's pretty much a whole category of frozen dessert. Not all popcicles are sugar water. Go get one from the freezer. I think you'll like it," you explained.

Jack floated into the kitchen and came back with an unwrapped Bomb Pop. He sat next to you and tried it. "Wow. That's pretty good."

You smiled. "Good."

Jack propped his feet on the coffee table. "So, you hate summer, huh?"

"Hate it. Despise it. Too hot and humid and it makes me wanna die," you said, earning a snicker from the Guardian.

"If you were to go to the North Pole, you'd change your mind," he said.

"I wish I could live with North. I wouldn't have to deal with the heat and I could see you more often if not every day," you said.

"The yetis would love you," he said after taking a bite of his popcicle. "You'd probably have to work a bit harder to gain Phil's trust, though."

"He still hates you?"

"He tolerates me now that I'm a Guardian, but he still doesn't trust me completely."

"How many times did you break into the workshop again?"

"Enough for Phil to despise me for a couple decades. Which is partially why I held the record for being on the Naughty List."

"Just curious, am I on the Nice List?"

Jack pulled you to him. "Duh. You're so morally correct, North thinks you're a saint."

You leaned against him. "Good to know."

"I'm making these my tax now," he joked.

"Wait until you try ice cream," you snarked. You finished your Bomb Pop and sucked the stick clean.

"Give me a kiss," Jack smirked. "I wanna see how cold your mouth is."

"That's just grasping at straws," you deadpanned before kissing him. A hand cupped your cheek. His lips were pleasantly cold against yours.

He pulled back. "Hmm. Not cold enough." He finished his popcicle, set the stick on the coffee table, and tackled you onto the couch in a much more passionate kiss. You giggled against his lips with your hands cupping his cheeks. A hand went to your thigh and pulled it up so your leg was bent at an angle. More cold whooshed through your body to ease your high body temperature. 

"You gonna cool me down?" you smirked once he pulled back.

"Mhm. You definitely need a little bit of summer fun," he returned your smirk.

You giggled. "That was cheesy."

"I got you to laugh, that's all I care about," he beamed then kissed you again.


Egon's most likely gonna be nect when I decide to post next. 

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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