Fighting To Live(Puss In Boots[Puss In Boots: The Last Wish] X Reader)

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I finally saw "The Last Wish" and I immediately got ideas for it based off some scenes. I decided on this one. You guys know the reader is the Fairy Godmother's daughter at this point, right? The title was too long with that descriptor.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Puss scoffed. "Retired?" He looked at his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. "You are too good looking to retire."

I looked down at him. "Puss. You really don't get it, do you?"

"Get what? (Y/N), I am Puss in Boots, mi hada. I laugh in the face of death," he said.

We heard whistling. It raised gosebumps on my skin. It was tuneless yet haunting. We turned around in our bar stools to see a white wolf in a black hooded cloak. His red eyes glowed brightly and his sickles shined in the lights of the bar.

"So I've heard," he said. His voice was deep and slightly accented.

I immediately got up. "Death, we can talk about this."

"You don't understand. Just like him. Insecta estúpida. There is nothing to talk about. This isn't your fight. Stay out of it and I won't have to take your life early," Death snapped.

Puss pointed his sword at him. "How dare you speak to her like that?"

Death rolled his eyes. "I've searched far and wide for you, Puss in Boots. I have you cornered. You can't run from me anymore. You're down to your last life. I intend to take it. Right here, right now."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Not if I have anything to say about it. I'm not scared of you, Death. I may not be experienced with a sword, but I sure as Grimm am with a wand." I pointed my wand at him. "Touch him and you'll be the legend."

The wolf just laughed. "Right, right. You're immortal. I almost forgot." His toothy smile widened. "That means you're in constant fear of watching everyone you love die."

My eyes widened and my arm dropped slightly.

Puss growled. "Let's get this over with." He lunged at Death and a fight began.

They were great matches for each other, but Death was just the slightest bit better. He was relentlessly fast. Before I could put a protection spell on Puss, his forehead was sliced by one of Death's sickles. My eyes widened as I gasped. I covered my mouth.

Death sniffed the air. "Ahh, I just loved the smell of fear."

Puss was frozen. I could see his lives flashing before his eyes. As much as I wanted to electrocute Death, I had to get the cat out. In one swift motion, I scooped him up and teleported out of the bar with a flick of my wand.

We were now in the wilderness outside of Del Mar. I sunk to my knees with Puss in my arms. I wiped the line of blood from his head then conjured his missing sword back to us. It laid beside me.

"I really am on my last life.." he murmured.

"Now do you see, Puss?" I asked. "Life is valuable, no matter how many you have. This is your last one. You can't afford to be careless."

"B-But, I am Puss in Boots.. I am never afraid, I am the legend.. I am.." he trailed off.

I sighed. "Puss, you aren't immortal. You can't be careless. Life is precious. You're lucky you had nine of them. Most creatures aren't so lucky."

His eyes went downcast. He remained silent.

"I'm not losing you to yourself. I can't. You need to take this more seriously," I said. "Please."

"Could you grant me my lives back..?" he tried.

"No. Even my magic has limitations and that's one of them. You're the only legend that even had more than one life. They all died as legends. You don't need nine to be one. You just need one and you need to live it well. You died in some of the most idiotic ways and I refuse to let you die like that your final time. When you go out, you'll go out like the rest of them: a legend that lived his life well and didn't piss Death off," I told him.

He felt his cut. "I do not have to retire, do I..?"

"No. Just don't take life for granted anymore. This is your last one. You need to be careful. Live it well, but just don't be stupid," I said.

He nodded after some moments of hesitation. "Si.."


"I know I can never defeat you, lobo. But I will never stop fighting for this life," Puss declared, his sword pointed at Death.

Death picked up his sickles and came slowly towards Puss. I watched anxiously from outside the walls of magic that caged them. Death got dangerously close with a penetrating gaze. He then growled in frustration. "Porque diablos fui a jugar con mi comida?!" He growled again. "You're ruining this for me."

I cocked an eyebrow at his childish reaction. Death leaned in again for a second look.He continued. "I came here for an arrogant little legend who thought he was immortal." He sighed. "But I don't see him anymore." He spun his sickles like a gunslinger. They were holstered and he turned away. "Live your life, Puss in Boots. Live it well." He looked back at Puss. "You know we will meet again, right?"

Puss tipped his hat. "Si. Hasta la muerte."

Death looked at me. "Don't use your magic to keep him from me. I decide. Even you have your limitations."

"I'm the one who changed him," I replied. "With my magic or not, you'll have to wait a long time until you can have him."

A small smirk curled Death's lips as the walls of light ebbed and disappeared. "I hope so." He vanished.

Puss became human and he embraced me. I clung to him.

"Gracias, mi hada. You gave me the strength to win," he said. He cupped my cheek and made me look up at him. "I realize this life is the most precious because I get to spend it with you. I love you so much, (Y/N)."

I smiled softly. My hand cupped his cheek. "I love you too, Puss."

He slowly dipped me then pressed his lips to mine. I returned the gesture with my arm around his neck.


I'm hoping I can get my shit together this time. 

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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