Angel Vs. Devil(King Dice[Cuphead] X Reader)

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So, I came up with my own little AU thanks to the possible theory that the Angel and Devil bosses from the DLC could actually be the Devil himself and a piece of fan art on Tumblr shipping both bosses with Dice. The AU is everyone has their own angels and devils and depending on one's moral compass, one could be bigger than the other. 

Thus, this was born.


"He's just using you."

"No, he's not. He'd never use you after what you've done for him."

"Exactly. He's keeping up the act to leave you clueless now that the Devil's gone."

"He would never do that to you."

"Fuck, can both of you just shut up?"

Your angel and devil became silent.

You raked your fingers through your (hair length) (hair type) tresses. Your anxiety had latched onto the idea that Dice was using you. The grip was like a vice.

"Ask him and you'll see," your devil spoke. "You should end him when he tells you the truth."

You set your jaw. You clapped your hands onto the shoulder devil and she disappeared with a puff of light purple smoke. You sighed and looked at your angel. "Thank God you're bigger."

She gave you a sympathetic smile. "He wouldn't use you after what you've done for him." She then poofed out of existence with a light blue cloud of smoke.

The doubt was still there. You had to hear it from him.

You looked at the clock. The casino was closing soon. You sighed again. You thought about how the conversation would go down.

Anxiety churned in your stomach when Dice finally came in. He smiled at you. "Another successful day, sugar."

You forced a smile. "Great."

Your angel and devil appeared again.

"You don't even need to ask him. End him now."

"(N/N), listen to your heart, not your head."

Dice cocked an eyebrow. "What's goin' on here?"

"You're using her and even she knows it, you bastard," your devil barked then gave him a toothy smirk. "And you're going to pay for it with your blood."

He clapped her away and gave your angel a look. She gave him a slight nod before disappearing. He looked down at you.

"You think I'm usin' you?"

You avoided his bright green eyes. "...Yes..."

(Y/N), look at me."

He only used your full name when he was serious.

You locked eyes with him.

"After all you've done for me, you think I'm usin' ya? After gettin' rid of the Devil, helping me get redeemed, staying with me through all the hell the Devil put us through, ya think I'm using you?"

You sighed. "Well, when you put it like that, I guess not."

"Don't listen to the devil, sugar. I'd never do that to you. Ever," he said, holding your hands.

"Promise?" you asked.

"The Devil can drag me t' whatever dimension you sent 'im to if I'm lying," he replied. He kissed the backs of your hands. "See? Nothing."

You giggled softly. Your angel appeared and kissed the four side of his head.

"I told you."

"There's a reason you're the bigger one, you know."


Time to come up with the second list of one shots.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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