A Hundred Wins(Medic[Team Fortress 2] X Spy!Reader)

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This one's one page front and back but it has a lot of long paragraphs. So I have no clue how long this one's gonna be.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Today had marked RED's hundredth win and the team was celebrating. Scout had a Tom Jones record playing on the record player, Demo and Engie were passing out beer. Just guys being guys. Even Spy was taking part in the festivities. I did enjoy the event, but the guys were getting a little too loud and a little too drunk for my taste.

I activated my Dead Ringer, thus becoming invisible. I made my way to the medbay. Once in, I decloaked and sat in a chair in the corner of the room. Medic's doves cooed at me. Archimedes flew down and landed on my hand. I gently scratched under his chin. He cooed happily.

At the sound of the medbay doors opening, I cloaked and Archimedes flew back to the other doves. Medic walked in and smiled at his pets. Archimedes flew down to me again and alerted Medic of my presence. 

"A BLU Spy, Archimedes? He'll have to be impaled."

I instantly decloaked and said in one breath, "No no no no no Medic it's me it's me."

Medic put down the bonesaw he'd picked up. "What brings you here, liebe?"

"The guys were getting too loud and drunk. Too much sensory stimulation," I explained.

The doctor smiled. "Gut(good) thing these walls are soundproof then, ja?"

I smiled as well. "Yeah."

I got up and went over to him. He pulled me into his arms. "May I?"

I nodded. My mask was pulled then pulled off in one fell swoop. Medic's eyes sparkled.

"There she is," he smiled. I giggled softly. He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "One hundred wins. I'm not surprised, especially with you on the team, mein liebe. So many backstabs, so many kills. You got us here."

"I doubt that. We got ourselves here. We're a team," I smiled.

"You and I? Damn right," he smiled.

I giggled. "Yeah, sure. Okay."


I think I'm gonna call it after Spy. I said four and Spy makes four.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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