Type(Joaquín Mondragon[The Book of Life] X Reader)

145 5 1

I'm hoping this one's at least 150 words. You guys don't mind really short ones like this, do you?


You tilted your head back against the tree at the heart of San Ángel. Your knees were to your chest.

General Posada was hosting an anniversary party for the day Joaquín joined the service. The whole town was invited. You weren't by yourself because you weren't invited. You were by yourself because of Claudia and her sisters.

The quartet's insults swam around your mind. You couldn't get rid of them.

You sighed deeply and looked at the town. You noticed Joaquín toward you. The wood of the bridge softly creaked with his footsteps.

You avoided eye contact with him until he got close enough.

"What'cha doin' all the way out here?" he asked with a soft tone. "And don't try to lie because I see through every lie you tell."

You sighed. Joaquín sat next to you then pulled you into his lap. Your eyes locked with his.

"Please, (Y/N)."

"Claudia and her sisters. They've been insulting our relationship since we got together."

"You're really listening to them? Do you even know who's insulting you? Baby, they're just jealous a woman who actually has individuality got me. They're clones of each other. Besides, they aren't my type."

"What's your type?"



190. I got my wish.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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