Visiting Hour(Marcurio[Skyrim] X Dragonborn!Reader)

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I have quite a few one shots to add, but the problem is some of them are characters I've already done and I'm trying to do new ones. So that's fun.

At least Marcurio's new.

It also doesn't help I'm trying to figure out which characters you guys like the most so I have some sort of base statistic to work with.


"(Race), you have a visitor," a guard announced.

You got up from your cot and went to the cell door. Marcurio rushed in and over to you.

"Love, are you all right?" he asked with a bit of panic in his tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Marc. I went peacefully," you said.

"Here, I brought you this," he said then handed you a homecooked meal.

Your stomach growled as if on cue. "Thank you, love."

Marcurio maneuvered the food through one of the tight spaces of your cell door. You immediately started eating as you started your conversation.

"Love, you're not a jail bird. How'd you get arrested?" he asked.

You couldn't help the shit-eating smile that grew on your face. "I decapitated Nazeem."

The apprentice wizard's eyes widened. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah. I escaped the scene at first but down the road, his wife sent hired thugs after me. I was technically doing her a favor, but okay. Killed the thugs and decided to turn myself in," you explained.

"How much is your bail?" he asked.

"2,000," you said bluntly.

"The store made 3,200. I'll be back," he said then left.

You finished the homecooked meal while waiting to be set free. After a few minutes, a guard came over with Marcurio following.

"Your bail's been paid," was all the guard said prior to unlocking your cell. Marcurio handed you your stuff.

"How'd you do it?" he asked as the two of you walked out of the Dragonsreach Dungeon.

"I went up to him and just swung. Straight through his neck," you said simply.

"Good riddance," he said.

"Wait, you hated Nazeem, too?" you asked.

"You have no idea. Always rubbing his position in people's faces. Such a prick. He deserved it," he rambled.

"Nobody's more deserving of decapitation than fucking Nazeem."


The list is neverending, really.

I feel like the stress is building up again because there are so many one shots and I'm trying not to post reoccurring characters(at least for now), but some of my better one shots involve characters I've already written for.

So, excuse my mental breakdown while I figure this out.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

(REQUESTS PERMANENTLY CLOSED)Various X F!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now