Menstrual Headaches(Underswap!Sans[Undertale AU] X Reader)

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I have, like, four more one shots I want to write and I'm unfortunately trying to get all of them done tonight.


Your head was throbbing when you walked into the skele-bros' house.

Because of you being on your period, you had a headache that went from dull to throbbing as the day passed.

Blueberry was at Alphys' and Paps was at Muffet's, so you had the house to yourself.

You would've called Blueberry, but you didn't want to disturb his "training" with Alphys. Instead, you went up to his room. Once there, you shut the door and climbed into his bed. You curled up under his blanket like a caterpillar in a cocoon. You took in the scent of his pillow. It smelled like lavender.

You felt a lump form in your throat. You were in a vulnerable state because of the pain you were in. You needed any kind of comfort.

You pulled Blueberry's blanket over your head. Tears rimmed your eyes.

You ignored the sound of the front door opening. You heard Blueberry's voice.

"Human? Are you home?"

You sat up, sniffling. You got out of bed and walked out of your boyfriend's room. His gaze met yours as you came down the stairs.

He smiled happily, not noticing your distress just yet. "Hello, human." He then noticed your glassy eyes once you reached the foot of the stairs. "(Y/N)? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

You couldn't help yourself. You pulled the skeleton to you into a hug. You cried softly into his clavicle.

He held you immediately. "What's the matter, human? Are you hurt?"

"My-My.. My head's th-throbbing..." you hiccuped.

"Are you on your cycle?" he asked. You nodded against his collarbone.

He sat down with you in his lap. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"I don't know.." you sniffled.

His star-shaped pupils brightened as he got an idea. He sat you up carefully before getting up. You watched him shut the curtains and dim the lights. He sat back down before carefully pulling you back into his lap.

You clung to him. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head.

"Did that help at all?" he softly asked.

"A little.." you sniffled. You blushed softly at the feeling of Blueberry's gloved thumbs wiping your tears away.

You curled up against him. You felt the pads of his phalanges begin to rub your head.

You felt the slightest sensation of relief. You nuzzled against him.

Blueberry pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. His bony fingers continued to rub and massage your throbbing head.

"That feels good, Blue... Don't stop.." you sighed.

"Would you like me to lull you to sleep like this?" he asked. "Maybe you just need to rest."

"It's worth a shot.." you replied. You repositioned  so your head rested on the small skeleton's femurs.

Blueberry continued to massage your head. Your eyes drooped closed. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers.

Out of the blue, he began to croon a soft tune. You responded by nuzzling your face into his ecto-stomach that formed under his battle body.

You smiled as you fell asleep.

Sleep would do you some good.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot. 

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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