The Space Projector(Jimmy Neutron X Reader)

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My goal is two new ones, minimum. If I can get three, fantastic.

Thank you, EyerusCat for this idea. 

The reader also has curly hair in this due to a piece of dialogue that only works with curly hair. My self insert has curly hair since it's literally me and I have curly hair IRL, so.


As you came into Jimmy's backyard, he exited the clubhouse to meet you with a happy smile. "Hey, (Y/N)."

You giggled softly. "That wide smile means an invention passed the test run. What'd you make this time?"

"An interactive space projector," he replied. "You'll love it."

You followed him back into the clubhouse and down to the lab. Goddard was sitting in Jimmy's computer chair. He barked happily upon seeing you and came over to you. Jimmy retrieved a metal ball as you picked Goddard up and kissed his head. He licked your cheek.

Jimmy's eyes sparkled. He set the ball down on a clear spot on the floor. "Ready?"

"Let's see it, Jim," you smiled.

Jimmy pressed a button on the top of the ball and stood back. A 3D projection of space filled the entire room.

Your eyes widened as you set Goddard down. "Wow."

"If you tap a star with a pin in it, it'll give you a text panel of information about it," he explained. He went over to a constellation and tapped it. "Your sun sign, for example." The constellation was connected to show its image before a text panel popped up below it.

You giggled happily. "Jimmy, this is amazing."

"Give me a date and time," he smiled.

"(Birth date) at (birth time)," you said.

The projections spun rapidly before slowing to a stop. The stars were in different locations.

"This is the star placement the minute you were born," he said. "It's also live 24/7, so if you wanted to see where (sun sign) would be on your birthday this year on your birthday, it'd be in the same exact location."

"I'm so proud of you," you beamed. "I know you're a genius and you do this for a mere hobby, but every invention you make is insane."

He smiled softly. "Thanks, (N/N)."

You walked over to him through the projection. "This is kind of romantic, isn't it? A space date without needing to worry about the vacuum."

"It is, now that you mention it," he replied. He took your hands. "It definitely helps set the mood."

Your arms went around his neck. You stared into his eyes. "You're amazing, James."

His hands were now on your waist. "So are you. You underestimate yourself. You're very mechanically inclined. I've seen you help Mom and Dad dozens of times. If your IQ was as high as mine, you'd be inventing away, just like me."

"Except my hair wouldn't look like chocolate ice cream," you playfully teased.

"At least mine doesn't look like (flavor) instant ramen," he teased.

"("Correct" flavor) ramen, actually," you smiled then kissed him. A hand cupped your cheek as he kissed back.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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