The Sudden Escape Plan(Booker DeWitt[BioShock Infinite] X Comstock!Reader)

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I wanted to do something game related for the second Atlas/Booker one shots and this is what I came up with for Booker with the help of some in-game quotes and the scene where Booker and Elizabeth are looking for the elevator code in Emporia before Songbird makes his appearance.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I watched the citizens of Columbia go about their day from the shadows of the abandoned antique shop Booker and I temporarily called home. I was zoned out while absentmindedly feeling my thimble. My guilt was on overdrive.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Booker's gentle hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? You've been standing here for a while."

"How do you do it?" I asked. My eyes stayed on the window.

"Do what?" he asked.

"How do you forget what we've done? We've killed so many innocent people. How do you live with that?" I asked.

"(Y/N), look at me," he said while turning me to face him. His hands were gentle on my shoulders. "You say they're innocent. They're not innocent. They would have died to put you back in that tower. Everyone in this city is so patriotic to Comstock, they would all die to put you back in your cage. They are not innocent. They want to force you into a religious role you don't want to be in."

I looked down. He had a point, but it didn't help my guilt.

"Think of it like this," he continued. "We kill in self defense. They always attack first. We're just trying to survive to escape."

That helped. Sort of. I looked back up at him.

He continued his pep talk. "We fight and kill for your life. Your freedom. It's the only thing we can do to ensure your escape at all. They won't stop until you're locked back up to take your role as Comstock's heir. I know you don't want to go back. I know you don't want whatever Comstock has planned for you. You want your freedom. The only way to get that is to fight. The entire city is against us. We have no choice but to kill."

Songbird's screech interrupted him. We heard him flying around and then land nearby. I pulled Booker down to the floor. We listened for Songbird's fading flapping wings. Once he was gone, Booker vowed, "I promise I won't let him take you back."

"If he does, I want you to kill me," I said as we stood. "I'd rather be dead than under his watch again."

"I'll kill him before I kill you," he said. "We will get out of here before it comes to that. It won't come to that. I've heard the First Lady is taking a trip to Paris. We're gonna be on the ship when it leaves and we're starting over in Paris."

"How do you know we'll actually survive to get on the ship? Hell, how do you know Comstock won't be on it to kill us himself?" I asked.

"We're hijacking it. Hiding is impossible. And if he's on the ship, I'll kill him myself," he said. "This is our only chance without causing too much of a stir."

"When is it leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at noon," he replied. "Are we going to Paris?"

The thought of escaping permanently sat too well with me. I smiled happily. "We're going to Paris."


Loki then Angel Dust.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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