Angel Dust's Metamorphosis(Angel Dust[Hazbin Hotel] X Human!Reader)

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Last but not least, our favorite slutty spider. I had Valentino's death as an idea for a while, but I didn't wanna go with my original idea of him dying by my self insert since that's cliche and I don't wanna go with the main character syndrome bit every time. So, let's just go with Charlie convinced Lucifer to kill him for Angel since Angel has clearly changed as a soul. 


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Angel Dust's hand raking through my hair partially distracted me from my thoughts, but my thoughts seemed to suffocate the oxytocin. I couldn't focus on it.

"Schnookums, ya okay?" the demon asked. "I just felt your vibe shift."

"I don't know. I'm trying to focus on your hand in my hair, but my thoughts are too loud," I replied, looking up at him.

"Ya wanna talk about it? It might make ya feel better," he suggested.

"Please," I begged. I sat up.

Angel Dust stood. "Hold on, if we're doin' therapy, we're doin' it right." He walked off then came back moments later with my glasses on his nonexistent nose and a neon pink pen inside the spiral of my story notebook. "Christ, you're blind."

I giggled softly. "No shit."

He sat next to me, plucked the pen from its confinement, and flipped to an empty page. "Okay, ya want a question first or start with a tangent?"

"A question," I said.

"What's your anxiety tellin' you?" he asked, uncapping the pen.

I sighed. "Okay. Um." I began to ramble about my thoughts. Angel Dust scribbled away while he listened. Once I got to the topic of Valentino, the room became more depressing. "Your contract isn't broken. What if he finds a way to come up here? What if he kills you right in front of me for keeping you from him?"

Angel's scribbling stopped. He looked at me while processing what I said. After a few moments, he sighed. "No, it ain't broken. I've honestly thought the same thing. I've laid awake at night wonderin' what could happen." His tone changed to a soft yet serious one. "I may not be free from him, but I'll be damned if I let him take me. Fuck, if he comes, I'll break my contract by takin' his head."

I remained silent.

"Charlie said she'd try t' get my soul back before she sent me to ya," he continued. "I didn't expect it instantly, if not at all."

"I don't wanna lose you, Angel," I said.

"I promise ya, (Y/N), you won't. I don't think he's smart enough t' figure out how t' get here. And if he does, I promise he won't touch me or you. Is that one a' the major ones?" he said.

I nodded. "It always is. I'm always worried he'll suddenly come up here to take you back and undo all the progress you made."

"Pssh," he said dismissively. "He's only a roadblock. He can't undo shit. Not anymore."

Angel's phone rang. Since I was closer, I handed it to him. "It's Charlie."

He took it from me and took my glasses off. I took them from him.

"Hey, Chuck," he greeted.

I couldn't hear the conversation on Charlie's end, but it seemed to greatly affect the ex-pornstar. His eyes were wide and I watched them rim with tears. I held his lower right hand. Once he ended the call, he looked down at me.

"What'd she say?" I asked.

Suddenly, a pentagram formed on the floor. Valentino's head appeared after a flash of white.

My eyes widened at the bloody head. His heart shaped sunglasses covered his eyeless sockets. "Oh, my God.."

I'm finally fucking free.." Angel said.

I looked back up at him. "That's Valentino. His head is in my living room."

Tears rolled down his face. "He's really dead.."

I immediately pulled him into a hug. All four arms clung to me tightly. Violent sobs left his mouth as the shock and realization set in. I held him just as tightly.

A few minutes of sobbing passed. Once sniffles were the only sound Angel was making, I gently grabbed his head and pulled him down into a kiss. I pulled back seconds later and kissed his tears away. He gave a very soft giggle. I smiled and placed a final kiss on his forehead. We locked eyes.

"It's a shame," I said. "I honestly wanted to kill him."

"Me, too.. Would'a been closure if I could'a seen the afterlife fade from his eyes from my bullets.." he replied.

"What's next?" I asked. "Do you need some time alone?"

"No, I'm good," he sniffled. "Aw, shit. I never thought I'd see the day."

I cupped his cheeks. "You're free, Angel. Revel in it."

"Oh, I am. I ain't ever gonna live this day down," he smirked.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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