Seduced to Sleep(Alejandro Burremuerto[Total Drama] X Reader)

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Oh, boy. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.


You were laying on the couch in the fetal position. It was one in the morning and you should have been asleep four hours ago. Your body begged to differ.

"You do know what time it is, right?" you heard.

"I can't sleep," you responded simply.

A shirtless Alejandro leaned on his elbows on the back of the couch. He leaned over your (height) form in the light of the TV. You rolled onto your back and looked up at him.

"Maybe I can help," he suggested.

"Good luck," you snarked.

Alejandro proceeded to smirk then took your hand. He kissed the back of it. His eyes glistened in the TV's light. "I've been so lonely without you, mi amor. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again."

"...Are you trying to seduce me into going to bed?" you hesitated with pink cheeks.

"Is it working?" he smiled charmingly.

"Yep," you said.

Alejandro picked you up like a toddler with your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He carried you to your shared room then proceeded to lull you to sleep in a matter of minutes.


I'm going to try to post a longer one next to make up for these, but I'm not promising I'll be able to find one I want to write. So keep your expectations low.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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