Catharsis at Monty Golf(Montgomery Gator[FNAF: Security Breach] X Reader)

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Here's Monty and here's to 260 reads in three weeks. Whoo!


You walked into Monty's room to find it not looking as trashed as usual and lacking its habitant. You were in a bit of a violent mood and thought of trashing Monty's room to let off some steam, but upon seeing Monty hadn't trashed it himself yet, you were fighting with your conscience.

"Son of a bitch," you sighed. "Why do I have to have a conscience."

(Y/N), what're ya doin'?" you heard Monty ask. You looked over your shoulder to see the gator coming up to you. You turned to face him.

"Weeelll," you started with a high pitched tone then shifted to your normal tone, "I'm feeling a bit violent and I wanted to trash your room, but it turns out it's not trashed tonight. I didn't wanna mess it up and have you take the blame or get fired for damaging company property, so here I am."

Monty laughed. "Aw, c'mon, pipsqueak. Ya got nothin' t' worry about." He led you into his room. "Go awn. Break somethin'."


"Ah'm givin' ya th' go t' go apeshit."


Monty rolled his eyes. He handed you a ceramic Monty Golf themed plate. "At least break this."

"Okay, fine," you caved. You snapped the plate in half. You set one half on the floor and broke the half in your hand into quarters and did the same with the other half.

"Atta girl," Monty praised. "So, what happened t' getcha so pissed? Ah know ya got a quick temper, but violence is new fer ya."

You picked up the broken plate and any other pieces. "I dealt with a Karen earlier today. I wasn't even in uniform or anything, but I guess she somehow knew I worked here. You know how I lack in the skill of confrontation, and Chica noticed and helped me escape. I haven't been able to shake the anger since."

Monty growled lowly. "Ah hate people like that. C'mon, let's play a round a' golf."

"I'm shitty at golf, Monty," you said as you followed him out. You disposed of the ceramic in the first trash can you passed. 

"So? Hell, ya can even hit the balls into th' water. Ah can git'em later," he suggested.

"You sure?" you asked.

"Yep," he said simply. "Ah do it more than ya think."

Once at Monty Golf, the gator stationed you at a hole by a water hazard. He handed you a golf club. You grabbed a ball from the bucket beside you and began shooting them into the water. He joined you.

A comfortable silence fell upon you.

Before Monty's soft chuckling added to it.

You looked at him. "What's funny?"

His glasses slid down his nose to show his softly glowing eyes. "Some mem'ries from when ya were a li'l tyke."

"Wait, really?" you cocked an eyebrow.

"Yep. Yer tenth birthday," he said simply.

"I still have all the complimentary stuff you guys gave me that day," you revealed.

"Aww. Ain't that sweet?" he teased.

You giggled. "Shut up." You then became bashful. "I actually still sleep with your plush. You've always been my favorite."

He smiled flirtatiously at you. "Can't resist ol' Monty, huh?"

You smiled with a roll of your eyes. "I guess not. Look, Monty. I know it's weird, but I've always had a crush on you."

Monty was silent for a minute. He then looked as if he just realized something. "Shit, Ah just realahized. Yer kinda th' reason fer somma mah episodes."

"...What'd I do?" you hesitated.

"Ev'ry time Ah saw ya, Ah felt this weird warm feelin' in mah sensors. Ah got so pissed 'cause Ah was so confused and Ah couldn't figure out mah emotions. Turns out, Ah've been in love with ya this whole time," he explained.

Your cheeks turned pink as your eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yep," he smiled. "Somethin' about'cha, pipsqueak. Yer just so cute n' tiny."

Your cheeks became hotter. "So, are we dating now?"

"Do ya wanna?"


You giggled as you were scooped into Monty's arms. His snout nuzzled your cheek. You kissed it. "I love you, Monty."

"Ah love ya too, pumpkin."


I may or may not get one shots done tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff I wanna do, so I'll see if I can squeeze some writing in.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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