After the Wondertart Incident(Chef Saltbaker[Cuphead] X Human!Reader)

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Yes, I was and still am a Saltbaker simp when the DLC came out. I have no excuse.


"I'm going to the bakery, Elder Kettle," you called to your guardian. Cuphead beat Elder Kettle to the punch. "What?! You are NOT goin' back there after what he did t' us!"

You sighed. "I have to, Cuphead."

"She can do what she wants, Cuphead," Mugman interfered. "She is older than you."

"Ya better be goin' to tell 'im ya quit," Cuphead frowned, ignoring your brother. "I ain't losin' you to that psycho."

"You're not gonna lose me, Cups," you countered. "And I'm not going over there to tell him I quit. I like my job. I need to tell him something."

"It can't be done over the phone?" he asked.

"No, it has to be face to face," you replied. He groaned in response.

Elder Kettle came over with a container full of pastries you had made the other day. "Just in case if you need to, use these as a peace offering."

"Thanks, Elder Kettle," you said while taking the container from him. You then left.

You hadn't been to the bakery since a couple weeks before Saltbaker had gotten power-hungry over the Wondertart. It started as a family emergency then upon hearing about Saltbaker's fate of getting walloped by your brothers and Ms. Chalice for attempting to become a god then sentenced to community service, you didn't know if he wanted to see you again. You'd probably be called crazy, but his acts didn't change your feelings for him. You knew he must have snapped.

After a good hour of walking and the boat ride to Inkwell Isle 4, you finally got to the bakery. You could hear Saltbaker humming from outside. The anxiety set in. Your stomach churned as you went inside.

"Just a minute," he chimed. "I'll be riiiight with you."

"...It's me, chef," you hesitated. You locked eyes with him.

"(Y/N). I'm honestly a bit shocked to see you here. I didn't expect to ever see you again," he explained.

"Yeah, I didn't know if you actually ever wanted to see me again. Here, these originally weren't for you, but I made pastries that Elder Kettle said could be a peace offering," you attempted.

Saltbaker came out from behind the display counter of baked goods. He came over to you. "I was never mad at you."

"Then consider it a peace offering on behalf of my brothers and Chalice. They're cold since I baked them yesterday and put them in the ice box, but they're still good. I hope you like them."

"I'm sure I'll love them. I'm assuming you're here for reasons other than a delivery."

"Yeah. Can we talk?"

"Of course. Would you like anything?"

"No, thank you. My anxiety is suppressing my appetite."

"Let me know if it eases and you get hungry."

The both of you sat at a small table. You swallowed thickly. "Why?"

Saltbaker sighed. "Do you remember when you first started I told you to let me know when you needed a break and you did, every time?"


"The residents wouldn't let me be you. Being the best chef in Inkwell meant I was always on my feet. I could never catch a break. When I finished a cake order, a pastry order came in. When that was finished, a cupcake order."

"Oh, Chef Saltbaker.. I'm so sorry."

"No, I should have said something to them. But seeing their smiling faces when they ate my desserts. I didn't want that happiness I felt to stop. I didn't listen to my body and I ended up snapping. I'm so sorry if I hurt your brothers. I can't imagine how worried you must have been for them."

"I did have a few breakdowns, but Elder Kettle kept me calm as best as he could. Thank you. That means a lot. They didn't get you too hard, did they?"

"Yes, but I deserved it. It's absurd to think I could've won. to think I could have ruled the astral plane. I'm very glad the cups stopped me."

"I'm glad you're okay. Listen, chef. I need to tell you something and I apologize in advance if my anxiety makes me cry."

"What is it?"

You sighed. "I've had a crush on you ever since I started working with you, Chef Saltbaker. Even after the Wondertart, I still love you."

A soft smile grazed the salt shaker's features. He took your hands in his. They were oddly soft and warm despite being made of glass. "My feelings for you are part of the reason why I hired you in the first place. I wanted to get closer to you."

"Really?" you asked.

"Yes, really. Will you be mine?" he proposed.

"Yes, chef," you smiled.

"My real name is Gent. Gent Saltbaker," he revealed.

Your smile got a bit bigger. "I like that." You then giggled. "Cuphead's gonna kill me."


Time to decide the next two(or more) one shots to post.

Fun, fun.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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