Send In the Clones(Jimmy Neutron X Reader)

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My first longer one shot.

There's mentions of some dark stuff in this one but only mentions. Nothing happens. The reason for the specifics is because I write these one shots for me, so they can get personal and specific to my own life.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Anxiety pooled in my stomach at the thought of Jimmy's reaction. I had accidentally figured out how to use the clone machine and created five clones of myself.

I went inside the Neutron house and up to Jimmy's room. I poked my head in the see him breezing through his homework.

"...You may or may not kill me for this, Jimmy."

He looked at me. "What happened?"

"I accidentally figured out how to use the cloning machine and now there's six of me."

The genius got up from his desk and began the walk with me to the backyard. "Please tell me there's not an evil clone."

"There is, but she's actually kind of stupid. She follows yelled orders and her only motives are murdering three specific people and arson. A lot of arson."

"Hm. She must represent your hatred of humanity. Or your desire to commit crimes."

"I did find a lighter and a switchblade on her when I frisked her."

"I feel like I could use this."


"To be able to dig deeper into your brain."

"It's all family trauma, Jimmy."

"I know, I'm just saying the trauma could be the tip of the iceberg."

"Are you gonna be my therapist for the day?"


We got to the backyard. My evil clone was in a small square made from thread and sticks. She hadn't moved from it. She smirked at Jimmy. "Ooh, who's the cutie?"

"Please ignore her, Jimmy," I begged.

Jimmy opened the notebook he brought with him. "Can we ask you a few questions, (N/N)?"

"Anything for you~," she purred.

"Charming," I rolled my eyes.

The short interview went as planned. Jimmy wrote down the clone's answers and the common themes were trust issues, betrayl, and hatred of humanity in general.

"Are we killing each one off after each 'session'?" I murmured into Jimmy's ear.

He nodded and murmured into mine, "The freeze ray's in the clubhouse. On the table on top of the entry tube."

I nodded and retrieved the invention. I smiled at the clone. "I think we've made some excellent progress today, but it's time we cool down now."

I proceeded to freeze the clone into an ice sculpture. I looked at the others then Jimmy.

"Who's next?" he asked.

My gaze fell on the anxiety ridden clone. The inner child and happiness clones were trying to comfort her.

"Anxiety," I replied. "Get the more damaged ones out of the way."

We went over to Anxiety. The other clones backed away. I kneeled down to her.

We locked eyes. Hers were glassy with tears.

"You're overthinking again, aren't you?" I gently asked.

(REQUESTS PERMANENTLY CLOSED)Various X F!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now